Building duck run


7 Years
May 16, 2017
Alright I need your suggestions! I'm new to owning ducks and I'm about to build their run and house. I have a concrete pad I'd really like to use since we have raccoons, coyotes, and don't want to worry about them digging. I'm planning on building my house out of pallets and leaving gaps near the top for vents and putting hardware cloth over the gaps. I'm planning on putting vinyl flooring inside the house along with straw and painting with exterior paint. I'll be using hardware cloth to build the run and either a steel roof or hardware cloth.. Now this is where I'm not sure what I want to do... for the run I was thinking sand cause I like the idea of how I can just sift it and it's soak up the water, pea gravel because I could just rinse it off and the water would run off the concrete, or what if I did a wood deck so I could cut out a spot for their pool, or get those rubber mats and put them on the concrete so they'd be a easy rinse? I'm planning on letting the ducks out with me everyday while I garden so they get the dirt/bug experience and enjoy the grass... I have two ducklings now and thinking of ordering two more from Metzers while they're still young? What's everyone's thoughts? I live in a location that has 100 degree summers and 35 degree winters... New to all this and don't know what the best route is!
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I do not have ducks so I can't get you any advice just wanted to welcome you to BYC!
I would personally recommend pea gravel.... It's better for drainage (the sand would just go sloppy, since they splash so much water), plus it's easier maintenance since you can easily hose away the poo.

For the coop bedding I'd advise that you use pine shaving or chopped straw- the coop will stay cleaner for longer, plus hay goes mouldy when it gets wet.

Good luck with your ducks :)

Alright I need your suggestions! I'm new to owning ducks and I'm about to build their run and house. I have a concrete pad I'd really like to use since we have raccoons, coyotes, and don't want to worry about them digging. I'm planning on building my house out of pallets and leaving gaps near the top for vents and putting hardware cloth over the gaps. I'm planning on putting vinyl flooring inside the house along with straw and painting with exterior paint. I'll be using hardware cloth to build the run and either a steel roof or hardware cloth.. Now this is where I'm not sure what I want to do... for the run I was thinking sand cause I like the idea of how I can just sift it and it's soak up the water, pea gravel because I could just rinse it off and the water would run off the concrete, or what if I did a wood deck so I could cut out a spot for their pool, or get those rubber mats and put them on the concrete so they'd be a easy rinse? I'm planning on letting the ducks out with me everyday while I garden so they get the dirt/bug experience and enjoy the grass... I have two ducklings now and thinking of ordering two more from Metzers while they're still young? What's everyone's thoughts? I live in a location that has 100 degree summers and 35 degree winters... New to all this and don't know what the best route is!
I'm gonna follow this! I'm in the same boat. Also looking at building a new house for new ducks, and love to see others ideas.

I live in Texas, and although I'm also new to ducks, I've kept chickens for years. I've had great success with a well-placed cheap box fan running at especially hot times during the summer.

I'm just integrating day olds with week olds (Runners, also from Metzer), and so far they are getting along famously. Not like chickens at all! But, be prepared with a backup plan just in case there are issues. I can also say that I received 5 in this last order and they were packed beautifully, and arrived in great shape. Good luck adding new ones!
Thanks for your replies! I ordered a female Buff and Cayuga that should be here next week from Metzers so I'm excited! From everyone's experience what are their temperaments like? Im hoping the ducklings I have now are a Pekin and Blue Swede so I'll have one of each...

So if I do 2 inches or so of pea gravel and spray it off daily will I have a pretty clean coop? I may build a deck for the pool and food/water? I'm sure the ducks would enjoy straw or softer material for the run but I can't imagine the poop and water everywhere and having to replace it everyday so I don't go nuts haha
I hope your babies arrive safely :fl.... I haven't had Buff Orpingtons or Cayugas before, although I've heard that they are lovely breeds- it sounds like you'll have a beautiful colourful flock!

Yes- 2 inches of gravel should be fine.... Lol I can just imagine the mess if you mixed ducks, straw and water....

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