building my coop this week


6 Years
Mar 3, 2013
Eastern PA
Deciding on whether to add to the barn, or whether it would be fine to section a small pony's stall (she does not need a 14x12 stall at 12 hands lol)
Any thoughts? I can basically do it either way, just don't want to redo it.
The main question is how many chickens do you want? Don't see why sectioning off part of the stall wouldn't work. Keep in mind 4 sq ft per bird in the coop and chicken math. Good thing about using the horse stall would be predators would be less likely to enter the area. Good luck!
I would do both and get more chickens

Seriously tho, either sounds good and I bet the pony would love the company. Good luck with whatever you choose. Cant wait to see pics
the predator angle was this biggest plus doing this. The area would be 3ft by 12ft, with an attached run outside. We plan on free ranging, but when we are home, as we live in the woods, and have many predators, as well as a nesting pair of eagles. they are the biggest pains, let me tell you.
They swooped the rabbit my daughter was holding last summer - good thing she is feisty lol. She stood up and yelled at the bird, then ran into the house lol.
We also have 2 shepherds, which helps a bit.
Should I have concerns housing them together with the horses? Haven't done this before - so I don't know. I would imagine it would be ideal as my horse will (and has already) kill any dog (or coyote, etc) that came near (we have had to train ours to stay out of horse areas) plus, there is already electric out there - and shut up in the winter time, it stays about 40 degrees f in there, on average. I basically want to make sure that neither species will end up sick as a result of exposure to the other - again, never done this before. We have 16 wyandottes, looks like 9 are boys :-\ . hoping for around 12 or so in that space, adn trying to make "room to grow"
Our horses love the chickens. They've even gone so far as to chase a stray dog that was after our first rooster. And by chase, I mean attempt to KILL! The rooster ran for the horses' shed, the horses ran at the dog, and after the canine offender beat tracks, the horses calmed right down and gently checked on the rooster. I think your pony will appreciate the company!

We haven't had any disease issues at all, so far. I'm sure it'll be fine. :)
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I agree, sectioning off the pony shed sounds like a great idea to me. The space should be perfect for 12 chickens, and might be okay for more as long as they have a large run or free range time.
I agree, sectioning off the pony shed sounds like a great idea to me. The space should be perfect for 12 chickens, and might be okay for more as long as they have a large run or free range time.

They will have that. We have about 6 cleared acres, more uncleared. We just have to watch for the eagles and coyotes who live here too. Nesting pair nearby, somewhere in the 40 acres next to us.

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