Building New Coop/Barn...Phase 5 Great Barn Build, OCCUPIED! 3/6/16

Still doing demolition. You can see the supplies we've freed up to use for aisle/storage corner floor and loft space. And did a few more photos with the camera I got today. The one Tom bought at the thrift store went kaput so I got the same one, refurbished, from Amazon.

Took down the partition fence between the two sides to get posts and fencing for the garden.

Brussels sprouts are in. It's a different view w/o that big, tall building there.

Lumber! Found we have some 12 footers, too.


Oops, lizard escaped.

And after our second wind, the floor is down. Just have to whack a few more floor joists and remove that ramp.

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Hand was very swollen today. Drank my coffee, holding cup in left hand, with right hand enfolded in my heated rice bag. Ouch.

Still on the search for a good point and shoot camera that is under $150. Amazon gave me the refund in a gift card so I'll get one there, most likely, just won't try that particular one again, though I love the pictures it takes and the shutter speed. My main deal is a pretty fast shutter speed in that category and decent low-light photos with a good optical zoom. Any recommendations?
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Better now? Still have some clean up to do, till the former pen/building footprint area, etc. And we sold some lumber and two of the four windows that came from the bldg. Two are left for someone else's chicken coop, $10 each, if you're local.

Just getting caught up....everything looks great!! It makes me want to head back up your way for another visit.
Just getting caught up....everything looks great!! It makes me want to head back up your way for another visit.

Well, c'mon! You can see the little Atlas mini-me's. You'd better get with it and move up here so you can have one of 'em. There is still one that I'm going back and forth on the sexing. It feathered slower, more like a male, but then, so did Lizzie. So, if I'm really lucky, I'll have 3/3 out of all six chicks. If not, then I have two pullets, one cockerel to keep and three males to find homes for.

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