Building New Coop/Barn...Phase 5 Great Barn Build, OCCUPIED! 3/6/16

It works nice, much nicer than a lamp and cheap to run.
Have only used inside nervous about them being out there, it's gonna get real cold tonite.
But they seemed fine all afternoon despite then 10-15 degree difference between house and coop.
Well, c'mon! You can see the little Atlas mini-me's. You'd better get with it and move up here so you can have one of 'em. There is still one that I'm going back and forth on the sexing. It feathered slower, more like a male, but then, so did Lizzie. So, if I'm really lucky, I'll have 3/3 out of all six chicks. If not, then I have two pullets, one cockerel to keep and three males to find homes for.
If it were up to me I would be up there next week!!
Good thing my chickens were all inside the barn today due to high winds. Looked out and saw two very large dogs with collars on romping around the pasture then they were at the livestock fencing, going back and forth, not sure if they were trying to find a way in or what. Called DH who got the shotgun and fired in their direction just over their heads. They pretty much vanished into thin air, couldn't see which way they went due to the lay of the land, but I've never seen them before. Maybe they will be encouraged to do somewhere else. We need to get that pasture fenced when the barn is all done.

Could be some new folks moved in around here and may have to be informed about letting their dogs roam.
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Or the high winds blew their gate open and released the dogs. It happened to me last week with the chickens...they had a nice day free ranging without supervision.
Well, no telling because I don't know these dogs. But, whatever the reason they were out, a dead chicken is a dead chicken and dogs don't get a free pass even the first time. DH drove to get the mail then rode around to see if he saw them on any surrounding streets but never saw them.

We always have high winds around here so all gates need decent latches on them. Bet those chickens scared you to death when you saw them all over the place!

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