building paradise for the birds

Looking great! Birds and structures. Now where's that duck pond
Hahaha very funny in due time after winter. In December I will shock u all with what I'm doing. Stay tuned cause it's huge. And I'm not playing around on this one for sure.
Really impressed with the new construction! Making me really envious...

It's probably not the usual reaction, but I really like the female games you purchased (more than the males)--they are just so pretty!
Thank you. I really enjoy the new editions to the farm or should I say fam. In just a short couple of years I have raised well over a thousand birds and nothing chicken wise compares to the game chickens. Even seeing a hen with spurs just to find out 1/3rd of the hens will turn out like this. I never even knew hens could have spur until now. Anyhowser worked with a head lamp in for about n hour after dark. Will post pics in the morning. Good night peeps as tomorrow is another day to rock.

On a side note that is going to make no sense to most reading but

Loyalty is not something u just go look for but when u find someone or something that is cherish it and hope that it stays loyal. Just venting.

People ask me why don't u get out of the birds and I tell them this. Bc unlike friends and family u don't have to worry about getting stabbed in the back by them. Unless I'm in my reeves pheasant pen and the male sees me. That's a different story.
See u on the flip side
So got a dump truck of wood chips tomorrow and hope I can get one with sand as well. Busy busy busy. And I still have to transfer birds tomorrow to new coops. Painting the last two doors inside right now. Hook the last two doors on, move wood chips to cover the hardware cloth that is on the bottom of coop for predator proofing. And it will be a good day.

Some random roosters non breeders
So A business is looking for lamona chickens. And they are offering a 500 credit for anyone that leads them to them. Man I remember that bird. I gave that bird away. Until they ate it. Oops. Looks like I need to be making some phone calls. Maybe they will send me my order. Lol. Hmm should I do something for a company that makes rediculous money on rare breeds when they stiffed me. Hmmmmm. What's in it for me. ..........hmmmm
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