building paradise for the birds

Very true!! We have Mauler the Dobie....people see him and freak out. He was a trained attack dog, made it thru the phase one of attack/police dog training no problem. The reason he is not a attack/police dog is because my OH was told that if he did not pass phase two he would be destroyed. OH had spent many months training him thru phase one and had fallen in love with the dog so told them no way forget it. So now i live with an "attack" dog who has had his training broken. He does still do some really awesome things and his obedience and patience are the most amazing ive seen in a dog. You can tell people over and over, he is not going to attack you just relax. They don't.

We also used to be part of "underground" pit bull rescues down by flint/detroit....basiclly there are groups that steal bait dogs from people training dogs to fight. Not sure if they steal fighting pits we never took those in personally. People would randomly call the cops to our house all the time because they were afraid of the pits.

good to see some people can see what society has made these pits into and y they get there name...well the view box in the incubator is dry and im applying a second coat and letting it dry...also I got 13 eggs this morning and am keeping the warm ones and the best of course cause I m going to fire up the old stryo and incubate
Birdman what do you have laying right now?
all my birds are laying now..but as for pure kinds...they will be mixed because I have three different roosters....I havnt felt the need to separate and focus on different types of birds cause all we do is raise for a year for eggs and then butcher after a year and I keep them in cycles so I always have eggs and more birds for the season...but right now...Americana, legbar, road island reds, barred rocks...and ofcourse some mixed breeds...if I buy them from people they are pure genetics of that bird but if I incubate then they are mixed....however I am getting some polish white tops...thanks aunty....and I will keep them separate so I can breed them true...and the birds are still laying even after the 13 eggs I just pulled this morning...and the coops are going using railroad ties to block the bottoms and some plywood cut to fit...
Even your chickens are nice looking...mine are being tramatized by the muscovy duck who has taken up residence with them. Last night i noticed him eatting their feathers, like pluck a feather off a bird and eat it. i was like what is wrong with you duck!

So now i'm trying to figure out how to get the duck out of the coop.....only having a car is really starting to become a problem. The hardware looks at me all crazy eyed when i ask them to cut my 2x4s in half or thirds and my osb in 2ftx4ft chunks lol.

But i think that explains why some of the chickens are stress molting and i have no eggs even with them having free choice crumbles, alfalfa pellets, scratch, oyster shells, powdered egg shells, and now whole corn and suet for treats.
Even your chickens are nice looking...mine are being tramatized by the muscovy duck who has taken up residence with them. Last night i noticed him eatting their feathers, like pluck a feather off a bird and eat it. i was like what is wrong with you duck!

So now i'm trying to figure out how to get the duck out of the coop.....only having a car is really starting to become a problem. The hardware looks at me all crazy eyed when i ask them to cut my 2x4s in half or thirds and my osb in 2ftx4ft chunks lol.

But i think that explains why some of the chickens are stress molting and i have no eggs even with them having free choice crumbles, alfalfa pellets, scratch, oyster shells, powdered egg shells, and now whole corn and suet for treats.

if they are molting they will not produce eggs...I normally butcher mine before they molt...anyways been busy today didn't get much work done on the coop...and since I couldn't get the ground level and place the coops on the level piece everything has become a lot more doors properly ive been gone today but now im back for a hour of light...going out for some work...see you soon

well the day is shot...basically got nothing done other then dragging these heavy logs and making the bottoms solid so the birds cant get out...I got like 75percent of it done...and that was not all...they were heavy....all I no is I cant wait to do the peafowl coops infront AFTER THE GROUND will go way smoother and faster....don't try and do this when the ground is frozen you are just beating a dead tree...(I have to lift the entire unit when the ground thaws put a stable foundation on...and fill in with dirt to level and couple of inches of sand...) and that wont be until after breeding season is done...I wont disturb the birds until after there done laying to say it is going to look like crap..(but still functional) until the time is right for the birds....then after all that is done I will be putting a solid not tarp roof on..but for now a tarp with plastic around the bottom is going to have to work...(I have to keep telling myself don't worry in due time it will be finished and looking great..until then im just going to be mad at myself for doing this in winter...but hey you gotta do things sometimes when the time is just oh so not right. and If I want to breed the new birds...I have to do this in the wrong time of the hang in there with me and it will turn out nicer....just after grrrr the looks.....

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