building paradise for the birds

hello the darkness hit...and now I must come inside to catch up on this Is what happened today...cut the netting...put up netting on one coop... moved the six male pheasants that are not in my breeding program...and covered the bottom of the coop about 60 percent and then it got are some pics

the six male pheasants that are not going to be in the breeding program...sorry boys...funny thing is the yellow one in the pic thinks the one in the middle bottom is a female cause it doesn't have its full colors yet...hahahahaha....funny guy

another pic...feed and water have been added....

right when it hit night time and I couldn't work any more...put plastic up to block the wind from them

another night pic

and heres a story about "jenny" our rescued chicken..she was hatched by us and then we put her out in the quarantine coop so the birds could get bigger...well one night a coon dug under the wire and got to her and put some damage to her wing...well shes fine after about two months and now we introduced her to her brothers and sisters

silly chicken...shes a lucky one

this was when we released her to the pen....she was looking around like hey where is everyone...and then she looked up like whoa...that's a lot of birds....

well later in a bit im going to do more work on the I will post in a bit...thanks for watching

well the day is shot...basically got nothing done other then dragging these heavy logs and making the bottoms solid so the birds cant get out...I got like 75percent of it done...and that was not all...they were heavy....all I no is I cant wait to do the peafowl coops infront AFTER THE GROUND will go way smoother and faster....don't try and do this when the ground is frozen you are just beating a dead tree...(I have to lift the entire unit when the ground thaws put a stable foundation on...and fill in with dirt to level and couple of inches of sand...) and that wont be until after breeding season is done...I wont disturb the birds until after there done laying to say it is going to look like crap..(but still functional) until the time is right for the birds....then after all that is done I will be putting a solid not tarp roof on..but for now a tarp with plastic around the bottom is going to have to work...(I have to keep telling myself don't worry in due time it will be finished and looking great..until then im just going to be mad at myself for doing this in winter...but hey you gotta do things sometimes when the time is just oh so not right. and If I want to breed the new birds...I have to do this in the wrong time of the hang in there with me and it will turn out nicer....just after grrrr the looks.....
Its hard to get things the way you want it first go-around! Its looking fantastic
You are putting your bird's needs first. That's very important, especially since you are working with some seasonal species. Its your coop, so you can modify, change and improve as it fits your needs too.
continuing to watch your build, pretty exciting!
You keep peasants as pets?

these are very pretty birds...and anyone that breeds these birds keeps them because they are beautiful...and you don't keep birds or any animals for that matter because they are not your pets...
right? I take pride in my PETS and get stock from some of the best breeders in the US...this is why they look the way they do...(don't get me wrong I have met people that mix breed and there birds look like crap....but I didn't buy anything from them that's for sure...(with the exception of a guy in chalevoix Michigan...named...s** names when I first started out I bought five birds from him...and lets just say all five birds are in my mutt pen and will be on the processing line after winter...)
well done feeding/watering the birds...and collected another 14 on with the building...
pens are looking nice for what I have to work with and not every pen can look like (tonys')...hahaha....great guy, great breeder and I will be buying stock from him after the winter is gone...very knowledgeable about a lot of breeds
these are very pretty birds...and anyone that breeds these birds keeps them because they are beautiful...and you don't keep birds or any animals for that matter because they are not your pets...
right? I take pride in my PETS and get stock from some of the best breeders in the US...this is why they look the way they do...(don't get me wrong I have met people that mix breed and there birds look like crap....but I didn't buy anything from them that's for sure...(with the exception of a guy in chalevoix Michigan...named...s** names when I first started out I bought five birds from him...and lets just say all five birds are in my mutt pen and will be on the processing line after winter...)
well done feeding/watering the birds...and collected another 14 on with the building...
pens are looking nice for what I have to work with and not every pen can look like (tonys')...hahaha....great guy, great breeder and I will be buying stock from him after the winter is gone...very knowledgeable about a lot of breeds
I was laughing at your misspelling of "pheasants" as "peasants". Picturing you in a castle somewhere admiring all the pretty peasants under your care.
these are very pretty birds...and anyone that breeds these birds keeps them because they are beautiful...and you don't keep birds or any animals for that matter because they are not your pets... right? I take pride in my PETS and get stock from some of the best breeders in the US...this is why they look the way they do...(don't get me wrong I have met people that mix breed and there birds look like crap....but I didn't buy anything from them that's for sure...(with the exception of a guy in chalevoix Michigan...named...s** names when I first started out I bought five birds from him...and lets just say all five birds are in my mutt pen and will be on the processing line after winter...) well done feeding/watering the birds...and collected another 14 on with the building... pens are looking nice for what I have to work with and not every pen can look like (tonys')...hahaha....great guy, great breeder and I will be buying stock from him after the winter is gone...very knowledgeable about a lot of breeds later
You are TOTALY right. WOW those are stunning :love
I was laughing at your misspelling of "pheasants" as "peasants". Picturing you in a castle somewhere admiring all the pretty peasants under your care.
oh lol...I type to fast and with like 30 threads to type on and my own thread it takes up a lot of time and I don't really read back over everything...
well second part is netting in and now working on transferring the pair over and netting the third part...hope I can get all of it done and birds transferred...well see

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