Built my 1st brooder


Jan 10, 2018
Woodstock, GA
Hey all, I've been actively working on my new & 1st coop so while that is not being worked on I've also been planning a brooder. I originally had a couple different sizes of cardboard boxes that I was going to use with a heat lamp. I don't have my birds yet but I've been trying dry runs of the brooder with very little success. You know, too hot too cold.
Seems like the more I read here the better educated I get so I switched my setup to the Mama Heating Pad by Blooie and I also decided that the cardboard box wasn't going to cut it so I went on a mission for something better. I searched Craigslist and found someone getting rid of some wood shipping crates that had some art in it and they were giving it away for FREE.
I really didn't intend for it to be as large as it is but three sections (floor and two walls) were complete so I just built the other two walls and the top. Included some hardware cloth in the center of the top, added two hinges and a handle I had laying around. I'm going to make a notched piece to hold the lid open before the chicks arrive too.
The inside dimensions 4'-0" wide (L-R) x 3'-4" deep (F-B) x 2'-4" tall (B-T). The entire unit is screwed together so when they move outside I can disassemble the the entire thing and store it, transport it and/or sell it.


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That will help keep temp very well. Very nice brooder. Maybe try to keep the tempature more consistent in the barn you keep it in. Also I've always used the red lamp and thermometer. It may help if you rotate the box 90 degrees and install a door on the front so your not coming down on the birds from above like a predator. Will post a pic of my contraption.

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