
In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2021
I bought a group of day old and was reassured that bantams and large fowl could live together. I got three bantams and an Orpington. Sadly, the Orpington and one of the bantams aren't around anymore and one of the bantams turned out to be a cockeral!

The bantam cockeral doesn't seem to jump on the ladies at all, but does bully them and us! The other bantam has never seemed to fit in at all and all the others chase her. She is terrified and that's the last thing I want. After one too many escapes I have seperated her but now she's all alone.

I have tried Intergrating her with other groups of chickens to try putting her back in with a larger group but they all gang up on her as well!

Does anyone have any experience with encouraging chickens, especially bantams and large fowl to be friends, or is it better that she live alone or am I going to have to rehome her? Maybe with her nasty cockeral? (Although I can't say he is nice to her either).

Picture of her as a baby:
Oh poor little girl! Bantams and smaller birds often become targets for aggression, and it is a sad situation. I had a similar issue years ago with a standard size breed, she was picked on relentlessly. I didn't want to rehome her either. So I pulled out the next lowest bird in the pecking order and housed these 2 together for several weeks, maybe even longer, but kept them within the flock at all times. (I did let them free range with the others, but when confined or in the run, these 2 were separated.) What happened was, these 2 became best buddies. And the bullied bird gained more confidence with a constant pal with her. Eventually I was able to mix them all back together with relative peace. She was always on the bottom of the pecking order pile, but she wasn't attacked, harmed or harassed as she was in the past. It's definitely extra work, but it may be the answer for you. If you rehome her, she will most likely have the same issue at her new home.

Good luck with her, she is adorable!

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