Bully ducks


6 Years
Mar 19, 2013
I've got two Swedish ducks a blue and a splash. I've had them for about 7 weeks and they have a large pin outside. My friend had another duck (I'm not sure of the breed) but this girl is about a month older and half the size. I moved her into the pin last night and my two ducks are very mean to her. I figured it might be that they have lived with each other all this time and don't like the other duck moving in with them, but I'm not sure about it.
when ducks are raised togethr..that's their flock, when you introduce another duck they'll get so they tolerate her, but i haven't ever seen them just all the sudden let them be part of the flock. That being said..if you watch to make sure they aren't hurting her then after a few days they should settle down and at least tolerate her.

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