Bullying following death in the flock


In the Brooder
Aug 4, 2018
Upstate New York
A few weeks ago, one of my two Buff Orpingtons was taken by a hawk. Immediately thereafter, my Ancona rooster began bullying the remaining BO, with other hens often joining in. Here is a video from a camera in my coop:
Any ideas about what to do?
A few weeks ago, one of my two Buff Orpingtons was taken by a hawk. Immediately thereafter, my Ancona rooster began bullying the remaining BO, with other hens often joining in. Here is a video from a camera in my coop:
Any ideas about what to do?
I am by no means an expert, but here's my experience; I just lost a chicken and my flock did the same thing, they became waaay more aggressive than I've ever seen them before. They do this because their pecking order has to rearrange itself because of the removal of one chicken. Just keep an eye on them and watch for blood and it should simmer down in about a week or so (that's at least my experience).

That said, I hardly have any experience with roosters so it could be because of something completely different. Maybe he's mating?
If I seen my rooster initiating or even joining in on that behavior I’d be eating him for dinner.
My first thoughts too...
.....at least isolate him for a time so the BO can try to fit in,
and any hens that continue to beat this bird can join the cock in jail.
Looks like you've got plenty of run length to fence off one end for an isolation area.
I have often lost a bird, or removed one, and while things seemed a little discombobulated for a day or two, never that kind of an attack. I too, would pull the bullies. But a strange thing might happen then, some of the birds that were not attacking, might start attacking the victim. If so, remove the victim, and put the bullies back in.

Something might be wrong with the BO that you are not aware of, but the chickens are. Time will tell. However, always solve for the peace of the flock. Sometimes there is a bird that just won't fit with the flock.

Mrs K
An update: the BO was bullied and starved by the rooster, and ended up dying. Since this happened, the flock has gone back to normal. Before the incident, and since, the rooster has been completely docile - toward the other hens, adults, and children.

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