Bumble foot starting?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 9, 2009
I have read several posts concerning bumble foot with lots of info being gained, however I have a small pearl leggern who has a swollen (left) pad. No sores, scabs or obvious openings Or infection. She was limping and now puts little or no weight on this leg. She's lively but I'm not sure if she's laying or not. I brought her in to clean her up a bit and noticed there is some fever in this foot as well as some swelling in that leg. Nothing really bad, just enough that she won't walk on it. I can post pictures if anyone would like to see. I don't think it is bumble foot as there is no sore, or evidence of pus. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Whether or not it's bumblefoot, she should start on antibiotics to clear up the infection. Not every foot or leg infection turns into bumblefoot, but keep an eye on her and watch the swelling. Hopefully it's nothing serious.
Thank you for your help in this matter..do you have a suggestion as to what antibiotic I should put her on? I'm not sure there are any vets in my area, it's as if they are afraid to even look at them. I thought vets at least "looked" at all animals, but here (in cattle country) chickens are taboo, or maybe they don't think they are worth their time. I've gotten most information here at BYC and in most cases has helped either know what to do or what to expect. I've only had 1 fatality since I began to ask questions and get info. That was something that couldn't be helped as she had gotten egg bound and she passed within a few days. These birds are not dinner birds but more pets and egg birds. Again thanks for your help.
I agree that injectable penicillin would be the way to go here.

And most vets will not see chickens because it's rare for people to bring them in. Usually if it seems like the bird isn't getting better there's one sharp, cheap solution to the problem, rather than spending $50 or more on a bird who can't return the investment. Of course, there's always those who go out of their way to help their flock. :)
I guess that would be me. I love my birds and while I don't know if I'd spend &50 on her I don't want to see her suffer . Problem is there no wound. I will look into getting some penicillin and also check the link on doses. Again thank you to everyone. I will try to get her in for a picture so maybe someone has seen this before. I read in another link about gout, and how it attacks the left foot. I'm not sure what causes it and will have read further. She's such a gentle and lively bird I just can't see putting her down..

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