Bumble foot


Free Ranging
Aug 19, 2020
Victoria, Australia
two out of my 3 chickens seem to have bumble foot. It dosen't seem to effect them at all. I'm wondering if there's any other way to cure it than scraping the scab off. I know you can soak their feet in ebson salts, but is this affective if the scab's black? I can take pictures if needed. Also the scabs are flat, not a lump and no signs of swelling as well. Could it be some sort of black pigment? I've never noticed this before.

Thanks alot.
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From what I've been told it's the beginning of bumblefoot and its better to fix it properly now. You soak their feet in Epsom salts then peel the black bit off.. cover it in antibacterial cream and keep it from getting any dirt in it until it's healed. Its a pain but it needs to be done 🤷🏻‍♀️
Post pics...after cleaning the feet.
I haven't been able to take pictures at the moment, but I think it's definitely bumble foot. They all seem to have it. One of the scabs seem to be coming off, it's very small and not as black, more a yelowish color. At the moment we're soaking their feet in ebson salts and aplying anti - bacterial cream. It seems to be working.
One thing I would check on - since multiple chickens have it - is possible causes for infection. Is their roosting rail wide enough? too high? debris in the run? when multiple of my chickens came down with it at once i found 2 issues- stickers in grass & a roosting rail that was too high. since fixing those issues (as best i could) most of our causes have since gone.
One thing I would check on - since multiple chickens have it - is possible causes for infection. Is their 2 rail wide enough? too high? debris in the run? when multiple of my chickens came down with it at once i found 2 issues- stickers in grass & a roosting rail that was too high. since fixing those issues (as best i could) most of our causes have since gone.
How high is a good height for roosting? The roosting bars are 5cm wide or more (about 2 inches).
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