Bumble Foot


In the Brooder
Aug 15, 2018
I am pretty sure that one of my chickens has bumblefoot. Her foot is "swollen" she is limping and she had a black scab on the bottom of her foot. We tried to remove it but when we cut into her foot nothing came out but blood, and we could not find the big mass of infection (we may not have cut deep enough). Does anyone know if there is a vet or someplace in Vancouver Washington where we can take her? I would keep trying myself but I don't want to put her through unneeded stress and pain if there is someone that can help, and knows what they are doing.

She is okay right now and her foot has been dressed, but any help or advice would be very much appreciated.
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I'm sorry about your hen.
You may want to ask about vets on your state thread https://www.backyardchickens.com/th...me-together-washington-peeps.717207/page-5200

Try looking up avian vets in your area (google)

This site has a directory, not sure how current listings are.

If all else fails and you find you do need to treat her yourself. Please post some photos of your hen and her foot, we may be able to offer some suggestions.

Good luck!

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