Bumble Treatment

Thank you. He has been walking around w/o limping anymore since I soaked his feet for an hour, so I can put him back with the rest until tonight, then my husband and I will work on him.
Edit: I let him go back with the rest, and he RAN straight for the hens in the garden. Guess that soak made him feel better for a while.
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Well tonight we soaked his feet again (my husband said I hadn't used enough Epsom before, so even the long soak didn't do much). My husband pulled and worked the scabs with tweezers, but he said there's no "hard plug" under the skin, didn't feel anything, either foot. They bled a little but it soon stopped, and there was no puss, as we'd expect with Bumble (we'd read the swelling is full of puss).
He thinks the roo just got a little infection from stepping on something, or from the perch sticks, which are square, not round, and even that he might have had those scabs the whole time we had him. Is it possible that's just how his feet are, just a lot more "flesh" than the females, since he's a lot bigger?
We put triple antibiotic, bandaged the feet, and put him out for the night, will re-join the others in the morning.
Give it a few days to recover from this treatment, checking how it looks when you change bandages. It may have been very shallow, since I'm not seeing it I can only guess. The foot around the scab does look a bit swollen to me, how was it compared to the other foot? That he was limping is a good clue that it was/is sore and probably at least some swelling.
If it regenerates then you didn't get it all, if it heals up you did. If you have to go back in, really squeeze to see if you get anything. The 'hard plug' is the pus, chicken pus is very firm, some describe it as hard cheese like. It will often pop out as a solid chunk. Hopefully you got it and he'll heal up, time will tell.
Just wanted to add that I'd probably give his spurs a trim next time you have a hold of him too.
Today when we checked him the right foot (the really swollen one) was no longer hot like it had been before. We'll keep checking. Thanks for your help.
I've also read a few articles that state to use a "corn pad" -the soft pads in the foot treatment section of like per say a walmart etc. It takes the pressure off the "bumbled" area and allows it to heal better. You just put the pad on with the middle over the bumble area and use the creams and vet wrap etc. Allows the bird to walk and perch without putting direct pressure of the affected area. Just something to give a try :)

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