Bumblefoot in laying hen


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 21, 2011
SE Montana
Does anyone know: if I give Lincomycin orally to laying hens with bumblefoot, can I eat the eggs? Can I give it to them in their drinking water? And if so, how much per gallon? I have 4 laying hens. Thanks.
Hhhhmmmmm....okay, thanks. I visited Dr. Peter Brown's website at First State Vet Supply and one of the antibiotics he recommended was lincomycin. How about amoxicillin? Can I eat the eggs if I give them that? I can get 250 mg capsules. Does anyone know how much to add to their water?

Oh, by the way, I'm new to the forum. You have great information on every subject regarding chickens imaginable!!

I don't have any advice to give on that...but if you plug in the drug names and "egg withdrawal time" in the BYC search bar, you might get more information.

I know that tossing the eggs is sometimes what folks do when they give medications that aren't supposed to be for layers. I don't know about the legalities of it all and selling eggs/giving eggs away.

Folks might give the lincomycin and toss the eggs- but you would have to search for that info unless someone comes along and knows offhand.

For example, for Wazine, a well-known worming medication, most folks toss the eggs for 2 weeks.
Here is a post I did yesterday on Bumblefoot along with the recommended antibiotics.

Bumblefoot is either from a deep tissue puncture wound to the foot that has become infected or a poor diet lacking in Vit. A.

Bumblefoot --
The most common cause of bumblefoot is a deep tissue puncture wound to the foot that has become infected, causing the foot to become swollen. This condition can also come from a poor diet with a lack of Vitamin A.

Prevention --
Make sure your perches are not splintered, or have anything sharp on them that can damage the foot.
Keep the area where your poultry are kept sanitized regularly.

Treatment --
Bacteria, including staph, have been identified in some rare cases of bumble foot, if the wound hasn’ t been noticed and treated before it becomes acute. Typically antibiotics, such as Gallimycin or Penicillin, if the infection is serious enough. If left untreated, the infection will eventually eat into the bone and travel to other parts of the body. This is a painful condition that can potentially be life endangering.
Recovery is hastened by removal of the scab and of the pus core and by applying a suitable antibiotic cream on the bottom of the foot to help keep the wound soft.
All wounds should be cleaned daily.

Sources --
AvianWeb and Ultimatefowl Wiki


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