Is her bumblefoot back or is it a scab??

Dawn extra strength means there are a maximum amount of surfactants in it. Surfactants make water "wetter", thereby increasing the effectivenness of the detergent. It's extremely safe for the hen and for you.
Thank you. It did seem to soften the scab I ran out of time and had to something else. So it didn’t come off yet because I didn’t apply the hot towel for long enough.

I’ll try tomorrow again.

Also, do you think it’s ok that I gave her a painkiller (meloxicam) previously prescribed from the vet that had been sitting on a shelf for a while? The shelf is out of reach of anything bacteria-y. It also dropped a little on the dry dirt, but I assumed because hens eat dirt accidentally all the time it’s ok. Maybe i’m overthinking.
Sure, tackle it later when you have the time to devote to it. A pill dropping on the ground would pick up so little bacteria that it wouldn't make any difference in a world where bacteria outnumbers everything else, probably all put together. As in any battle, it's the amount that matters. Inside us and inside our chickens live good bacteria and bad bacteria. As long as the good guys outnumber the bad in our bodies, we're just fine.

Meloxicam is fine since most vets will prescribe it for poultry.
Sure, tackle it later when you have the time to devote to it. A pill dropping on the ground would pick up so little bacteria that it wouldn't make any difference in a world where bacteria outnumbers everything else, probably all put together. As in any battle, it's the amount that matters. Inside us and inside our chickens live good bacteria and bad bacteria. As long as the good guys outnumber the bad in our bodies, we're just fine.

Meloxicam is fine since most vets will prescribe it for poultry.
thanks for your help. poor clementine is suffering with cancer AND bumblefoot. I feel horrible!
Hi all. My cochin had bad bumblefoot on both feet a month or two ago. It almost completely went away, the skin had healed. But then now she has two large scabs again on both feet!!! It feels like i can peel them off but they are hard. Does she have bumblefoot again??

Should I take off the scab?? I have no idea if it’s the bumblefoot AGAIN or a healing scab. After she was treated before her feet pretty much got all better. Now suddenly it’s like this again.

This post has photos of her feet right now.

I’ll reply to this post with photos of her feet before when she had bumblefoot at first a while ago.
Update: One foot has a very thick, raised scab that is sort of light in color. No redness, but the foot pad around it is pretty weird and thick. Also the skin around it is odten peeling a bit. I've been clipping off the thick skin since it seems like it is not hurting her. I can provide images tomorrow.

Other foot looks pretty much the same since I haven't been able to get the scab/kernal out.

Should I just keep trying to get the scab/raised area off? That would require me to chop off a large chunk of her foot. Yikes, i feel like I made something worse.

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