bumblefoot not healing well

Update on the bumblefoot situation. I used penicillin injections (once daily for 5 consecutive days) and neosporin wrapped with vetwrap. It made the swelling go down a great deal. Sadly, it did not clear it up. Sooooo! I had to go in with razor blade (one of my friends works in the OR at the hospital and had some spares that are used for surgery) and slice open her foot. First, I cut deeply in a large circle, a bit wider then the plug circle. Then, I sliced twice more. I made a cut at the top of the circle, and one at the bottom. I pulled the cut open to open it up, then I pushed down and inward.. squeezing it like some giant pimple. POP! It came popping out! Good thing I made the incision as big as I did...that puss pocket was HUGE! It took her about 6 days to recover. She is now one happy hen with a fully healed foot!

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Great job fixing her up!
Much simpler and less chance of spreading the infection around doing the meds first. I wish i had know this when i started, my girl's foot had a piece like this but i had to do it with multiple surgeries.........stressful for the both of us.
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Does FIRST AID-ANTISEPTIC: Wound & Infection (Vetericyn) work as an irrigant? I have been using Schreiners herbal solution for years for all wounds i am told the only difference in the products is Schreiners has alcohol as a base.
Anyone tried either spray on bumblefoot?

I am currently using vetericyn on my first case of bumble foot.... so I don't have a lot of experience, but I wanted to chime in that I'm using it.

I'm using Vetericyn and I'm posting updates with pics every few days, in case it's of any help to others. The topic is here...
What kind of penicillin did you use, how much and where can i get it? I have hens with bumble foot. This is my first time having it in my flock. I have all the meds and items to do surgery except for the penicillin. I also have tricide neo. Please someone tell me exactly what I should do? i have sand in my run and low perches. If I use tricide neo can I put them back into a sand run? I have read that after soaking in tricide neo you do not wrap it. i need to know which method works the best. I am not worried about my time. I am worried about the best treatment for my girls.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Do the sugar+iodine wrap first, or some redcote spray and wrap. Sometimes mild cases don't need surgery; are yours bad? Pics?

I got it in the horse meds section of my tractor supply, it is in a little fridge. I got the cheaper kind, but the more expensive one works better.

My thought is that the bacteria is on the perches; i always wrap to keep the level down while treating. This winter i had a few more cases, and this time all but one cleared with the wraps. I alternated between the iodine and redcote wraps. This time i was more aggressive and sprayed the non- bumble feet and legs with the redcote as a preventative once twice a month and lightly red-coted the wooden perches.
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Is is a spray that is anti-bacteria/fungal and is supposed to be a decent leg mite killer. There is red cote and blue cote, you want the red. It is an oil base, so it made sense to use it during the winter as a help against frost bite. Good for minor wounds as well; despite being reddish it is very medicinal smell and apparently tasting! It was not good enough for surgery wound spray though since those came back; the two that were cured with it one was minor and one was bad and hot- had it not been -20 windchill through most of this michigan winter that one would have had surgery. Too dangerous when you get the swelling and heat to leave it be. She was bandaged and sprayed weekly and the bandage left on pretty continual, sprayed whole foot leg and toes. Hasn't come back to either of those two!!! Not a cure all but a shot and good multi purpose for the medicine bag :)
For those trying to figure out how to make the paste:

For the mixture, make a paste of the iodine and sugar, just thick enough not to run but not so thick it will be too gritty to spread.

I cut the gauze off a band-aid, oiled up the hen's leg and toes, and used strips of duck tape to secure a decent dob of the mixture to the foot pad. It can be left on for up to 3 days, It will draw out any pus in there. The oil is to keep the tape from ripping off the hen's scales, I use the tape because anything less and my birds would have ripped it off!

Hello my friend! I admire what you did as I have the same issue,I kept reading the post and really said "WOW" what a great love and determination so way to go
,you are truly a heroine my question is how to make the paste, I mean you already explained that but I'm in Baghdad with not that excess to chicken stuff, when you said iodine did u mean povidine iodine and mix this with sugar ? what about the penicillin, is it human penicillin ?
Best regards
@Susa -- Some kinds of Penicillin you can use are listed about halfway down the Medicine Chart page on the website linked in my sig below, if that's helpful.

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