Bumps on a Guinea's beak (pic)

Cull all of them. They have all been exposed.

Good for you for insisting on quarantine quarters for them. I wish more people would be so forward thinking.

Good luck.
I hate the idea of culling something that can be helped. Everything deserves a chance to live. I have Asthma, which will never go away, but I wasen't culled!
Thank you all so much. I told my husband what our choices were and neither one is palatable to him right now. But he knows that in the end we will have to do it. In the mean time, those guineas are staying right where they are. They will never be near my hens or turkeys. Its been a hard week here, having to cull those two babies and losing a a new goat to a freak accident. We know its all part of farming but dang why does it all have to happen in such a short period of time.
Thank you all so much. I told my husband what our choices were and neither one is palatable to him right now. But he knows that in the end we will have to do it. In the mean time, those guineas are staying right where they are. They will never be near my hens or turkeys. Its been a hard week here, having to cull those two babies and losing a a new goat to a freak accident. We know its all part of farming but dang why does it all have to happen in such a short period of time.
Remember biosecurity (more work for yall.)
I hate the idea of culling something that can be helped. Everything deserves a chance to live. I have Asthma, which will never go away, but I wasen't culled!

Lucky you. Your asthma is not contagious to everyone around you, though. This disease is. Your comparison is ridiculous.

Urban Escapee- Sounds like a tough week. I am sorry.
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Lucky you. Your asthma is not contagious to everyone around you, though. This disease is. Your comparison is ridiculous.

I'm sorry if you took that the wrong way. I wasen't trying to act smart.
I just can't stand things being killed. It is almost like murder to me.
Transit, I sympathize with you not wanting to see things killed, but if it comes to killing one animal who is sick or watching your whole flock slowly suffer and die, I'm sorry, but off with their head.

I assume CMV and you would both probably agree that one quick death is far more humane than the whole flock of birds dying slowly. Altho I don't knpw much about the disease and how much suffering it inflicts, you do have to think about the long term good.
wait! I had three young birds (out of 4) that had that last summer- and I did nothing- and within 2 weeks they were all fine. No scars or anything! I didn't kill my birds as they looked fine otherwise- and now they are happy layers. Give them a chance to heal themselves!!
here is a pic of my birds last summer- and I repeat- they are great layers and healed up perfectly with no intervention. They young birds were separated from my older ones by about 20' and the older ones did not catch it. If this is the same disease- it worked out fine for my birds.

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