Bun Buns


Rest in Peace 1970-2018
Apr 6, 2007
We were at ther Durham Fair today. They have the chickens and
bunnies in the same building. My wife loves rabbits and wanted one.
I did the old "cmon Honey, we have 2 dogs, chickens, a conure, and no
time for any of them". She sadly agreed and we moved on.

Well, for those who are getting to know me here, I'm an idiot. :|

When we got home we looked up some local breeders and sure enough:




Two more additions to our family. They are some loppy eared breed something.
She just wanted a bunny and probably would have settled for a Petsmart
special. Not me. We had to get the pair. If anyone wants bunnies we should
have some in 3 months.
The little white and black one is very cute - almost puppy cute. We always had bunnies as kids. My husband doesn't want any bunnies for our girls. I haven't given up on them yet. LOL
Just get him at the right time. He'll cave. As much as we like to think we are
in charge, you wives rule the roost. It's probably better than way anyways.

I would call them kitten cute. Their hair is so soft. Surprisingly, I'm
finding out I'm allergic to them. I'm allergic to cats too. No prob with
the chickies or dogs.
Oh, they are so cute!!! My kids having been wanting a rabbit for so long, but my hubby says NO!! So, I guess I will have to wait for the "right" time. He's given in to a few things lately:lol: Maybe in the springtime!!
Oh they are beautiful little minilops.
I used to breed them for a short time only. I have a pair as well, my boy is desexed and all is great. Mine freerange with the chickens all day.
I gave up breeding due to the fact that I found it hard giving them up to new owners, I was very choosey as to what type of home they would go to.
There are a few bunny breeders here as well for when you need advice.
Have fun with them!!!
oh they are so cute! I love their little faces!You are right-bunny fur is sooo soft.

I'm starting a new thread so we can all send in bunny pix.
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