RHWebster, check out this link. They are in the $550 range, with free shipping. I think might be big enough for 4-5 chickens...not sure about 6. I had checked out this company when I was searching....I like the clean lines and good qualitiy of their coops, and the fact that they had a run attached. They have others to choose from as well....might be something that interests you. http://compare.ebay.com/like/300705044336?_lwgsi=y&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar
Well here is what I have done so far, what a pain. Im just frustrated that I have to do this. Anyway, its coming along ok. I think it will be pretty weatherproof by the time I get done. Im getting my baby easter eggers next week. They'll be in the house until they're old enough to go outside, so at least I have enough time. I just get impatient sometimes.
This company is out in CA....nice coop, but no run, hence the price is cheaper. http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Deluxe-...A%2BFICS%2BUFI&otn=21&pmod=300705044336&ps=54

I'm stepping away from my laptop now....searching for coops can be addictive. Sorry for butting in. :)
Dont feel like your butting in, thats what the forum is all about, getting and sharing information. Im so jealous of your coop, its so awesome. The Amish people make good quality stuff. I can tell by the pictures, they used REAL 2 x 4s and such. Anyway, no more prebuilt coops for me, I was outside until 10 pm last night working on it. Now its too hot so Im doing indoor chores.
I definitely appreciate all of the suggestions and advice.

Thank you kim95037 for posting about your adventures with the Bungalow as it has been a terrific opportunity to see what it is really like and what to be wary about.

Looks like you have a much better weatherized coop now. Too bad it didn't come out of the box that way!
So I was looking at the inside of the Bungalow and the more I look at it the more ticked off I get. There is NO WAY you could put six full size chickens in this thing.
Ive decided to redo the roosting bars too. The roosting bars are way too close together AND WAY too close to the wall. So unless the chickens sleep facing the walls, which is highly unlikely, their butts will be up against the wall AND SO WILL THE POO!!!!. HELLO!?!?!?! If I can figure out who the manufacturer is of this thing they are going to get an earful. Were these guys smoking crack when they built this thing?? I redid the roof and gave it a bit more of an angle for rain run off and I bought some white zbar to make a little rain gutter. This is turning into the Holiday Inn. Im ordering a peice of plexiglass for the bottom tray, which is ridiculously flimsy and a pain in the neck. Its going to be easier to clean this thing by using the side door of the coop where the nesting boxes would attach, since I had to overlap some roofing to cover up the edge of the tray, so it doesnt fill up with water. You can put them on either side. So there is a removable door on the other side, which I am going to beef up and put better latches on. I saw a REALLY cool coop design yesterday, I really wish I would have seen it, what a bummer.
Oh well. I'll post some more pics when I get finished with it.
Don't kid yourself; they're all made in China and imported.

I bought one too, not the same model, but I knew what I was getting into. I plyed, caulked, insulated and painted the inside. I put two coats of wood preserver on the outside, put a window in one wall, moved the roosts, put window vents in (as I didin't believe that one vent was sufficient - especially in Winter when I don't want a breeze) and replaced all the hinges with better ones. Unfortunately, weather sealing the nestbox didn't prevent the water from dripping in and the preservative didn't stop the roof from rotting, so it's all getting painted now. That seems to have stopped the leaks, not a minute too soon. The thin ply they use under the roof is cracked and damaged. Hang on, I'll get pics for you.

It was the largest I could find, but I wouldn't house more than the two girls I have in it (a Sebright and a Friesian). I put a small feeder in one of the nest boxes, to save on space. It lasts them about three months (they do free-range, though). You can see the beginnings of my paintwork. I had done the roofs as a matter of urgency, but am only now getting around to the walls now the rain has stopped.
The last picture shows the modified roost locations. With some thought, I should have ditched those rerches altogether and put in longer ones across the long side, so they can have the vent open at night without getting chilled.

I also have no idea how to secure the door from foxes :-(

PS. I also removed the tray. I park my wheelbarrow in front of the coop and push everything out using a hoe. Easy peasy :) I hose the coop down twice a year.
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Wow looks like you went thru the exact same thing as me. Doesnt that just tick you off? Mine cost almost 500 bucks. I replaced the whole roof, you could actually see daylight coming thru in a couple of places. THe nesting boxes are ridiculolusly small two, I removed one of the dividers so I have at least one decent size nest. I repaced all of the latches on mine, they were pretty cheesy. Well at least on my end the My Pet Chicken is going to give me 100 refund. I built an attached enclosed run onto the coop so I dont have to worry about securing the door just everything else. Also my stupid roosting bars are right in front of the door. Im probably going ot build some kind of a wind block too in front of the door. I like the window idea!!

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