
Hi! I have two rescued rabbits (I guess they are a new zealandXcalifornia mix), they have their own pen, their own run and they free range with chickens sometimes. Winters are chilly here, but they don't seem to mind: while chickens kinda hate snow, rabbits stay happily outside in winter and until now they have never been sick!

***I meant to edit my post to say I think they are Himalayan mixes and I somehow deleted the entire part about Himalayans. 🤦🏻‍♀️

They are beautiful!
Thank you! I've never heard of Himalayan breed, I think it's not that common here in Italy, but they could be anything! 😊 I'm going to read about Himalayan rabbits later, thanks for the input!
I just know that they were bred for meat and they are supposed to be hardy... which seems to be true! I keep them as pets, anyway!
I guess they are a new zealandXcalifornia mix

I think they are Himalayan mixes

Californian rabbits got the color from Himalayan ancestors, so both breeds are white with black points.

Californians are bigger and meatier than Himalayans. Because Californians and New Zealand Whites are good meat rabbits, crosses between those two are fairly common.
Californian rabbits got the color from Himalayan ancestors, so both breeds are white with black points.

Californians are bigger and meatier than Himalayans. Because Californians and New Zealand Whites are good meat rabbits, crosses between those two are fairly common.
Makes sense! I have never kept either breed.

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