Bunny Owners: Why's He Do That!?

Thank you so much to everyone for your input! I know NOTHING about bunnies, this little guy was a surprise gift. I did get him neutered when he was old enough, I have an excellent vet who just happens to treat rabbits. So I doubt he's seeking a mate.

He has all kinds of chew sticks and toys in his cage. I always make sure he has food and water too. He seems to be nocturnal, which works out great since we are night people, so I don't think he minds us being noisy when we are. I tried the toilet paper rolls before, but he just ate it rather quickly, and I didn't figure that was too healthy. *ha* He just went through a pretty good shedding, he was extra irritable then, poor little guy.

I can understand the moving things around, but he shoves it all into one corner, its so goofy! I was wondering if I should try putting some type of bedding in his house. I tried a couple times to put strips of an old soft shirt in there, but he just kept kicking it out. He's pickier than I am!
My bunnies like to rearrange too but the most noticeable is their food bowl. When I forget to fill their bowl on time they will kick it around the cage (making as much noise as possible!) and knock it off the second floor where it's kept. If I'm really late, both bowls will be turned over on the bottom floor with at least one bunny sitting on top of them glaring at me.

So, I think he's trying to tell you something. Not sure what though...
i'm in with this...ours does this all the time. he likes to keep things tidy. he moves things where he wants them and tomorrow, it may be a new location. ours is in a tractor outside and he has a little place for everything. he even moves the little shelters he has!
miss_jayne, I love your icon. That right there is my dad's dog.

I know we were talking about how bunnies like to rearrange things. Well last night my Bun Bun moved his house just right to where it was wedged against his water bottle and it flooded his cage! He was in the only dry corner, standing up waiting for me. Poor little guy!
Rabbits love to dig and rearrange.
1 give him a small box with shredded newspaper to play in.
You can buy at any larger chain store little bunny pens to put out on the floor, add box of shredded paper and watch the fun begin.
2 Stuff the paper roll with hay.
roll it at him and watch him look for a way to get the hay out.
wood toys with nuts in the center are another scource of amusment for them.
* Make sure he has a couple really hard things to chew on. Bunnies teeth never stop growing and they have to chew to keep shortening them. The paper towel rolls aren't tough enough for that. A couple nice chunks of hard wood are great, and help them wear off excess energy and those too long teeth.
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He's got plenty of bunny toys, and things to chew on. I bought some feeders that hang on the side of the cage, rather than on the bottom. And I fixed his water bottle so it doesn't drip a bit. And he already seems much happier! I think he was frustrated with the mess maybe.

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