Bunny sexing

By 4 months, it should be pretty easy to tell, even if you don't have the technique of pressing in the right spot figured out. By 4 months, the males should have fairly well developed testicles. Rabbits' testicles can be pulled back into their bodies, even with mature males, but there would still be obvious little sacs where the testicles should be. Bare spots don't count, since even does have bare skin there.

Since you now know the genders of your rabbits, it would be an excellent idea to separate the known male from the females. Female rabbits tend to mature a bit quicker than males, but puberty generally begins at about 12 weeks. There have been a lot of rabbit owners who only found out that a rabbit thought to be a "she" was a "he" when a 4 to 5 month old sister housed with it had babies. Mounting behavior is exhibited by both genders; it can even cause the rabbit being mounted to experience a false pregnancy, which is why most people who breed rabbits separate does before they try to actually breed them. ;)
By 4 months, it should be pretty easy to tell, even if you don't have the technique of pressing in the right spot figured out. By 4 months, the males should have fairly well developed testicles. Rabbits' testicles can be pulled back into their bodies, even with mature males, but there would still be obvious little sacs where the testicles should be. Bare spots don't count, since even does have bare skin there.

Since you now know the genders of your rabbits, it would be an excellent idea to separate the known male from the females. Female rabbits tend to mature a bit quicker than males, but puberty generally begins at about 12 weeks. There have been a lot of rabbit owners who only found out that a rabbit thought to be a "she" was a "he" when a 4 to 5 month old sister housed with it had babies. Mounting behavior is exhibited by both genders; it can even cause the rabbit being mounted to experience a false pregnancy, which is why most people who breed rabbits separate does before they try to actually breed them. ;)
We do intend to have a male female set up for them. Our one male baby can go with our grown male. They tolerate each other already and are used to being around each other anyway.

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