Burying hardware cloth to deter predators?


♥♥Lover of Leghorns♥♥
May 21, 2020
I've seen lots and lots of people that bury hardware cloth around their coops so that nothing can tunnel in. This seems like a great idea, but also some sort of magic- how do you actually do that? Just dig a hole and put it in, then fill in around it, or is there another more efficient way?
I've seen lots and lots of people that bury hardware cloth around their coops so that nothing can tunnel in. This seems like a great idea, but also some sort of magic- how do you actually do that? Just dig a hole and put it in, then fill in around it, or is there another more efficient way?
I installed an apron instead. The hardware cloth is securely attached to the run base framing then fanned out 2 ft and the outer edge is pinned down with landscape pins. You can then cover with a little soil and seed it or just let the grass grow back through.
Apron, shovel is useless energy expenditure.
Lay down the apron and it disappears. Here is my apron or skirt “fresh” and after a year, nature covers on its own, and it’s more dig proof.

We used a wonderful tool called a "ground hog" or a trench digger. The one we rented dug 22 inches down and about 3-4 inches across - we were running power to our garage that we built last year and needed to bury the lines so we used the trencher to bury the hardware cloth down 18 inches due to the insane amount of predators in our area. We got it for $40 from Home Depot - picked it up at 2p and got to keep it overnight/return it in the morning.
“Apron” technique is easy peasy, then I weighted it down with bricks so it doesn’t heave up and for aesthetics look and so I can also step on them when checking on my chicken. I had them on now for 5 yrs, I grew mints around them for added mice repellent.

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