*BUST* No more broody. First time broody.. when should you candle?


10 Years
May 1, 2009
the edge of insanity
I want to make sure I do not get any rotten eggs. I am on day number 6 I think. Wellie is laying on 13 eggs (3 duck) and it is hot out. When should I be going out at night and candling them and sorting?

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I don't think I will be any help, as I leave my broodies alone. I don't think they should be messed with, they know when to eat and drink and poo. If there are any rotten eggs you will smell it or she will push it out of the nest,or she will just quit. If you set all at the same time you are going to run into problems, duck eggs take 28 days to hatch, a hen will get up when she thinks her hatch is complete with the hatched babies and will leave the nest. Even if she returns with chicks to the original nest, chances are she won't sit tight enough to hatch. I have some pics I took last night of 2 broodies at different hatching stages, one hatching and one just set. Their tails are clearly setting differently. Like the hatching girl was maintaining the right run, temp and humidity. I love watching them when their babies are hatching. You can hear them chirpping, she raises up a little as to be giving them room to turn. LOVE THE BROODIES
I gave my broody six eggs on Saturday evening, I'll be going out tonight to candle and remove the duds. Wanna do it with me?
I see today that she has moved. She spilled her water (I got her new water) and I see the remains of an egg. :( I do not know if it was duck or chicken. We'll see what happens. I am removing the screws on my kennel so that I will have easier access to her if I need it. Thanks for your responses.
do not know if it was too hot where she was or what but momma decided she was not going to lay on the eggs anymore. I took that opportunity to candle and out of the 12 remaining (banty egg cracked/eaten) only three look like they MAY be viable. So, my eggspirament was a bust. :( Thanks for the input.

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