Marble sized hard tissue expelled from prolapsed vent


In the Brooder
Feb 1, 2023
I have a 2 yr Rhode Island hen. I discovered she had a prolapse 3 days ago with a scab. She also has been molting and has lost weight.
I have segregated her, giving her food/water. No pellets/crumbles, but cracked corn, sprouted lentils, some grapes and oyster shells.
She normally gets fly larvae but not right now. Should I give her pellets?
I'm also giving her some calcium citrate w/ vit d3.
She's getting Epsom soaks 2x per day and then Vetericyn Plus spray followed by cortisone creme and antibiotic ointment.
She is eating drinking and seems to enjoy her baths. I'm slowly getting the scab off.
Tonight during her bath she expelled a small, hard marble sized tissue ball. It was thrown out before I got a picture. Her color is really good now. Her vent is getting better and once the scab is gone I will put it back in.
What do you think the little ball is??
I guess it could be. I have seen one other from another hen. It was much bigger and not hard like this. Thanks!
I would keep her on the pellets if she's eating good, she needs that balanced nutrition. If she seems reluctant, try soaking it to make a mash. Think if you had a sick kid, would you give them cake and ice cream while sick, or the best nutrition possible? Pellets are best. Can you keep her in the dark to keep her from laying? Maximum four hours light/day.
I discovered she had a prolapse 3 days ago with a scab. She also has been molting and has lost weight.
I have segregated her, giving her food/water. No pellets/crumbles, but cracked corn, sprouted lentils, some grapes and oyster shells.
She normally gets fly larvae but not right now. Should I give her pellets?
I'm also giving her some calcium citrate w/ vit d3.
She's getting Epsom soaks 2x per day and then Vetericyn Plus spray followed by cortisone creme and antibiotic ointment.
She is eating drinking and seems to enjoy her baths. I'm slowly getting the scab off.
Tonight during her bath she expelled a small, hard marble sized tissue ball. It was thrown out before I got a picture. Her color is really good now. Her vent is getting better and once the scab is gone I will put it back in.
What do you think the little ball is??
Has the prolapsed tissue gone back inside and is being retained?

If not, photos of the vent would be helpful.

Is she pooping?

I'd feed her her normal feed, a small treat daily is fine.

If the tissue was scabbed, then it may have been damaged. Often there's a build up of white hard material that accompanies a prolapse. Likely urates, but hard to know. Keep the tissue moist with oil or ointment. Mineral oil works fairly well on the white crusty stuff. It will eventually peel or slough off once the tissue underneath begins to heal.

No idea what a hard ball was...could have been a hard ball of poop, perhaps lash material or???? No one can know unless you have photos.

I'd work on her eating/drinking well. Do keep up with the Calcium Citrate for 5-7 days. You can go a little longer if she's not retaining the tissue.
IF she's retaining, not lethargic, not getting picked at and is acting o.k. put her back with her flock.

If she's not healed and you have time, it would be nice to take her outside to enjoy some sunshine for a little while. They get awfully bored and depressed being separated.

Again, photos are helpful. If the prolapse is healing/healed and you're making progress, I would not try to stop her from laying eggs and limiting daylight.
It takes weeks to force stop production and the hen must be in total darkness for 16 hours a day.
Again, photos are helpful. If the prolapse is healing/healed and you're making progress, I would not try to stop her from laying eggs and limiting daylight.
It takes weeks to force stop production and the hen must be in total darkness for 16 hours a day.
Thank you. Sorry, I mis-spoke.

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