BUSTED! Now looking for last minute help.

I was motivated enough to read the ordinance chapter 3 Animals and Fowl. Nowhere therein does it state you can not have fowl. The only reference to poultry of any kind is that you may not dye them or be in possession of color altered poultry of any kind.

So basically I'm confused. What exactly did the animal control officer say? Were you in violation of noise, confinement or air quality (odor)? As there is no ordinance stating you can't have chickens then that has to be why they stopped by. You had a complaint.

Get in writing what and why you can't have chickens. If they say it's an ordinance they are not allowed period get them to show you a copy of it as it's not listed in the city codes.
Okay guys. As someone with legit disabilities, who is trying to get a real service animal, I'm really kind of offended by you all telling the OP to pretend his CHICKENS are service animals.
According to the new ADA guidelines from 2010, only dogs or miniature horses legally qualify as service animals. Also, service animals must be trained with tasks to mitigate their owner's disability.
Those sites are a SCAM. They are famous for misleading, and ripping people off. Paying them will get you a certificate, but will NOT make your hens service animals, and will NOT hold up if anyone actually checks.
IF the OP is actually, legally, disabled by a mental illness such as PTSD, he might have better luck getting a letter from his doctor saying that he is disabled, and the birds are important for his mental health, as part of his treatment. They might at least think twice, though it still would have no legal requirement for Animal Control to listen.
I cringe every time i see these stories. If you honeyed your words you might get some supervisor in code enforcement to realize chickens aren't specifically forbiden or that the law was misread by code enforcement. Ultimately the only real way to fight it is to hire a lawyer, which is cost prohibitive for most people and even that is no guarantee of victory. What probably happened was someone in the city government told the code enforcement guys the city is bankrupt and the only way to save their pensions to fine everyone like crazy. It wouldn't surprise me if they don't realize what the actual ordnances are, but they just run around ticketing stuff they think they can get away with.
I'm right down the road. I noticed Copperas Cove wants to be a House/business area only. If you need to find a place I can ask my camphost to get a hold of her friend who love animals and has a farmish setup. She has chickens and may be able to foster yours.
Are you in a proper town which can make their own rules?...or out in a unincorporated village
or out in the county somewhere? Check your country regulations and see how many USDA
activities are approved for it. Raising chickens is a USDA activity. If you are not located
somewhere that the powers-that-be can make their own rules, you can tell them that your
county is rated for chicken raising as a USDA AG activity ( if you found that in your search
of the regs.
Karen in PA, USA
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From the original post you listed the following definition...

Household pets. Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, etc., for family use only (noncommercial) with cages, pens, etc.

Seems to me that as long as you are not selling eggs/meat/chicks they should be covered under that part of the code (if that definition came from the code). They are birds. They are for family use only and not for commercial purposes.
It makes me sick that they make anyone, and especially a combat veteran, go through something like that.
My brother was in Afghanistan and he got back with a PTSD. It is concievable that you have the same thing.
This is what I would do: go to your village and talk to them about your experiences in Afghanistan, the stuff that you witnessed and did and how if all affected you as a person and how if affected those close to you. Show them how much you sacrificed for the country and those people trying to take away your chickens. Then, emphasize how having chickens helps you deal with your situation, how it makes you more calm and sane in a sense. It helps you deal with the reality of everyday life and react to certain situations with more reason calmness as opposed to acting impulsively and aggressively before you got the birds. Therefore, it affects your safety but also the safety of others. Tell them that you are undergoing treatment for PTSD and you discussed having chickens as pets with your therapist and he encouraged it.
The key is to make them feel sorry for you and guilty if they do take your birds away. If anything, they will probably at least allow you more time to fix the situation. Best of luck to you.

And thank you for serving.
Livestock means all domesticated animals, including but not limited to horses, mules, donkeys, cows, goats, sheep, pigs, hogs, rabbits, pigeons,chickens, and does not include dogs and cats. This definition does not include domestic pet rabbits, limit two (2) per household.

This is what they are quoting. They are saying it is a zoning violation. I have tried to tell them they are my pet chickens and they are not caring. They gave me 10 days. not a lot to find out if I can get away with calling them that. They are saying they are chickens, chickens are livestock, and you are not zoned for livestock.

I know you all can not know this for sure but if I keep them on those grounds what could/would happen? If I quote the code saying these are pet birds what do I say if they argue?

I have a that petition that has been noticed by a reporter and she just scheduled an interview with me for tomorrow. So hopefully that has some pull in my favor.

I am in an actual city that has a history of being very restrictive.

They can be registered as "emotional support animals" not "service animals" and I am sure I could qualify but I am not just doing this for me. I hope to get this changed for everyone.

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