Button color?


12 Years
Mar 6, 2007
Meet Sushi. I have 3 females and no males. All incubated. (go figure) What color would you say this broody little girl is?

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Too bad you aren't closer, I have 1 or 2 extra silver males, and a whole bunch of cinnamon bluefaces!! Way too many males here (actually, I think there are only 3 extras
Shes off the nest now. She had 11 eggs under her. I really wish I could get one of your extras. Just LOVE these little birds! Ever notice that the silvers lay blueish eggs? shes laid some that were almost sky blue.
I think they look slate which is blue face over silver.

Button quail color has nothing to do with egg color. Any color button quail can lay any color egg. Unlike chickens it depends on environmental factors. Lighter eggs are eggs that came out faster. It's actually a potentially bad sign since it can be from stressed birds. Dark eggs got all the shell layers and weren't pushed out quickly. None of my light colored eggs I got shipped or the few I set from mine ever hatched even when all or nearly all the darker eggs would hatch.

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