Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

Gus gus ended up being put down since they were in pain from there stomach/crop growth/swelling that couldn't be fixed, since Vladimir was sad i used cardboard and divided the bigger tote and cut a window then used plastic wrap to cover the window/door, now him and the 4 coturnix babies that hatched , tuesday and Wednesday, chatter at each other and gently peck at the plastic, ill post pics later, ones like a calico and three are yellow and two of them have a dot on the head, had to fix two curled toes which are now perfect 👌 😍 😀
Ok so here we are @FloorCandy @Nabiki ,
4baby coturnix 2 hatched on Tuesdays, then two on Wednesday, they are a calico looking beauty (no idea morph/color help plz) and two yellows each with a dot on top of head(one slightly darker dot) and a pure yellow who is so fluffy (o o soooo fluffy) anywats, and lil Vladimir who might start living in my pocket, he was sleeping with the fluffy yellow since its so so good tempremented buddy but been worried since u cant house buttons and coturnix babies forever even if the buttons like a week older.

My cousin shall be keeping the calico looking one as a personal house pet(his xmas gift), fiancée wants blizzard the fluffy yellow one since gus is gone, and ill keep Vladimir, fiancée kinda wants one of the yellows with dots too but idk they are already gonna be hard to sex as is since we dont want any roo coturnix at the moment.


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Does your cousin already have other quail? It’s cruel to keep one alone.
Trying to convince him to take another but idk and since hes next door he plans to do play dates with blizzard since fiancée is always home
Are some of them supposed to be this smart, its like it watches my every word and move and loves snuggles, also how do u shut up that 1or 2 coturnix that just want to peep in middle of the night even though they have food water and brothers/sisters


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Very cute! Your calico looks like a pharaoh. Have you tried a night light for the cheeping? Honestly we just learn to ignore it, if you have enough chicks, someone’s always complaining lol.
Very cute! Your calico looks like a pharaoh. Have you tried a night light for the cheeping? Honestly we just learn to ignore it, if you have enough chicks, someone’s always complaining lol.

I asked its not bugging anyone so i just started ignoring it last night. We have a old friend of hers coming and she wants the baby coturnix she already raises ducks and chickens and been wanting quail. And lil calico ,omg hes so damn smart , watches u like he knows, and is so friggin friendly, and non aggressive. But we did a trail run with calico and cousin, lmao he changed his mind even when i put two birds calico wanted to cry, so i guess the lady will get all 4 instead of the yellows, also for a rare mix (quail empire) and then sending 31 eggs out of the 25+ then barely having 9-10 survive maybe 8 and have only 4 make it btw all assisted at some point (upside down or weird small ish egg so on) then what 4 do survive we get a possibly pharaoh (btw that not rare is it?) And a pure yellow/gonna ve pure white (possible jumbo hes bigger then the rest enough to notice) and two other whites each with a vlack/brown big dot on top the head.

As for rn i have the giant playpen set up with two waters two lamps my personal heater pointed at it plus a ton a food also a giraffe stuffy and a dragon neck pillow stuffy, turns out the button who is about a week and two days , is the boss we ran a test run all day and watched late into the night so far so good. Now only if it lasts till she comes to get them Thursday
Yeah, I agree for rare mix you basically got pharaoh and Texas a&m, which are the most common meat birds.

they do stop crying after a few days, don’t worry. In the wild, I guess those guys would be the first ones eaten because they’re so loud.
Yeah, I agree for rare mix you basically got pharaoh and Texas a&m, which are the most common meat birds.

they do stop crying after a few days, don’t worry. In the wild, I guess those guys would be the first ones eaten because they’re so loud.
Don't get me wrong if i would have hand tamed them more it would be good but the two dots and the yellow were kinda not played with much cuz i assumed i wouldn't keep them, lol i so spoiled the smart pharaoh one heh he begs for bugs so bad i swear hes like a tiny raptor when he stalks, but yea they cute i can manage them after this exp, but Nabiki is sending more eggs so we need the room anyways, fiancée still wants 2 buttons for her self and ill need to pick out Vladimir a wife(pretty sure hes a he but well see) well just have to spoil vlad for a couple weeks as they hatch then put a divider for them to interact with.

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