Button Quail Color questions

Button quail are monogamous so pairing them at maturity is recommended rather than colonizing like Coturnix. These are not coturnix afterall. They do not do well on wire so a floor with bedding is also recommended. Beautiful Birds!
I knew about the wire floor being bad so these guys are in my terrarium.

So no groups at all? I was thinking 1 male to 2-3 females. What happens if they are grouped?
oh and heres one more.. looks kind of lavender-ish in color
Button quail cannot be housed in groups. In the wild, they will attack their own offspring when mature. They will chase them away from the nest to find their nest. The hens can kill males that aren't their mates, Males can beat up or kill other males. Therefore the best arrangement for fertility and happy quail are 1 male: 1 female.

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