Button Quail Information Request

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

How many Buttons do you have Dennimi?
I have 3 males and only 2 females, My grown pair and then I hatched out 3 babies and 2 were males and there is one lil' male, Buddy, that is kind of friendly so he will be my house pet!
The other two can be another breeding pair!

It's down to 14 now. 7 from the first hatch around July 5th and 6th. I lost 3 from my hatch last friday -- one hatched with what I first thought was just an unabsorbed yolk, but upon closer examination he had intestines on the outside of his body. The 2nd was born with a tiny, deformed foot on one side, started out seemingly ok, trying to eat and drink, but then quit. The third seemed normal at hatch but wouldn't eat or drink. I tried saving all 3 of them, but it didn't work. Sad. AND, I lost one of my 9 coturnix too -- a freak thing, it somehow sqeezed between the side of the rubbermade bin and the leg of Brinsea Ecoglow and got its head stuck, and I believe it suffocated in its panic or something along those lines. I didn't think there was a problem with the layout of the brooder, but I changed it right away. That was last weekend, we've been OK since then.

But all 7 of the remaining buttons from hatch #2 are healthy and growing.

On a side note, the Coturnix which are now about 10 days old are now bigger than the almost fully mature buttons hatched in early July.​
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Ugh! That stinks!

Are you incuabting anymore eggs out? How do you like your coturnix quail? I want some!

The coturnix really look like a bigger version of the buttons, which makes sense because they are (or at least were) both in the same genus, which is Coturnix.

I think the Coturnix may actually prove to be a little calmer than the buttons (who aren't nearly as wild as I thought they'd be). I can just reach in and pick them up, and they don't object much.

I ended up with what I think are going to be some REALLY pretty colors. I'll try to post a picture later.​
NO No no

Button Quail and Coturnix are NOT the same Genus

Button Quail are Chinese Blue Breasted Quail and genus is not Coturnix... They are Excalfactoria chinesis

Coturnix Quail are Coturnix japonica
Yes, I noticed that the taxonomists are at it again. They love to rearrange the classifications. I think it's a job security thing with those folks!

During the course of the roughly 20 years I worked as a florist, the common chrysanthemum first was called Chrysanthemum indicum. Then at various times in that period it's genus was changed to Dendranthema, then Argyranthemum, then Leucanthemum, and finally, now, it's back to being Chrysanthemum.
These are my 7 surviving buttons from the hatch last week. They'll a week old either today or tomorrow.


I am especially happy with the silvery/grayish looking one on the left. It basically had the tuxedo type pattern, darker head and back, light underneath. Except, instead of being really dark, the down was gray there, and yellow underneath. Now that feathers are growing in, they are a really interesting dark gray/light gray combination. It looks like it will be really pretty.

One of the little yellowish/brown ones should be named "Lucky" -- he was pipped when I was checking eggs. I accidentally dropped his egg, he bounced off the top of the incubator, rolled down the side, fell from the table to the floor, and rolled across the room. I was sure I killed him. But, the egg didn't even crack, and only about 4 hours later he hatched. Dumb of me, I won't do that again.

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Yes there is confusion. The Button quail used to be called Coturnix chinesis which is now an incorrect term. There is a whole story to prove the falseness and lots of research has gone into it.
Here are the Coturnix. They are older than the buttons, I think they are about 12/13 days old now. They hatched around July 30/31.


I think I have a really cool color mix here. My favorite is the soft white/yellow with the dark edges to the feathers.


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