Buy It Now-Alpaca Fleece Products!! Stock up for the Winter!!


13 Years
Oct 10, 2008
North Jersey
Hello everyone, I have received a couple of PM's ever since the cold weather has started, of people who have been wanting to know when I would be selling some new Alpaca Fleece Products...Well for those people, its your lucky day!

I happen to have some new products and have some even newer items that I didn't have last time...Alpaca Fleece hats!
For those who are interested, the information and prices are as before (which could also be viewed on page one including old pictures, in this link! )
**Due to the new change in posting items for sale in BYC, I will take orders old fashionly through post or PM, and mark the items that have been bought, like I did before here in the thread.

I have a couple of Alpaca products for sale, which are listed below. These are really great because they have a very soft texture and they will keep you very very warm in the cold weather. Mostly now that the climate is very cold... I have had people in the past that are horse riders buy these scarves and sweater since they keep you very warm when riding, and do not itch like sheeps whool.

I have many colors for Scarves, mittens, socks and hats. If you have a certain product, combo coloration or color you might be interested please PM and I could maybe make a special order for you...

***IF you see anything below that is sold out and are interested in purchasing just post or PM me and I can get your order for later on when I have more!!*********

The scarves are made by the company Camargo from Peru.
The sweaters, mittens, and socks are handcrafted by skilled people in Ecuador. All Alpaca products here ARE Imported from Ecuador.

Alpaca Fleece is very soft just like cashmere and sometimes costly soo please do not think I am adding prices really high for these...

1. Scarves of all colors- $14.75 each( but will leave them for $13.00 for BYC members Only)
2. Mittens-$8.25 each pair
3. Socks $10.00 each pair
4.Hats- $9.50 each
5.Sweaters-$27.00 each( I dont have these at the moment but if you would like to special order let me know!)

Shipping& Handling will be $5.50 only.
***Special**** If you buy two or more Alpaca Products I can deduct $3.50 from your order
***Special**** If you buy four or more I will give deduct $3.00 off whole purchase + FREE Shipping.
***Special**** If you buy more than 6 products I will give you mittens or socks or a hat (either wool or alpaca fleece) for FREE + FREE SHIPPING

Below are the pictures of the many varities that I have. If you might be interested in any I can leave them at a great price just for people here in the BYC forum. Please PM or post for more information or for purchase.

Thank you very much and God bless!
1. Light Gray Combo of Socks and Scarf

2. Orange Mittens and Scarf Combo

2.Light Blue Combo-Hat(this is whool not alpaca fleece), and Alpaca Fleece Scarf. (the color of these are turqoise but ussually on cameras blue is a very hard color to capture.

3.Green colored Mittens, hat and scarf


4. light white/tan scarf and socks

5.White color combo socks, mittens, and hat

6.Light white/tan scarf

7. Yellowish Brown Scarf(the picture below is an old picture but with good resolution)--I have two of these available.

8.Brown Scarf-(the picture below is an old picture but has a better resolution)

9.Light whitish brown/yellow scarf and socks


10.Dark Gray Scarf

11. Red colored scarf- (picture below is colored lighter than it seems)

12. Black combo Scarf and socks-

Better resolution picture of black scarf and socks (excluding mittens)

Some old Alpaca fleece items/combos I had in the past...if you would like to special order please let me know so that I can add you to the list and notify you when I have these available! Thanks again!



Sweater with zipper!

- Alpaca Fleece Blankets...Soo Soft!!
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Can you make a simple "sock" type hat? I don't want to have to fold it up like a normal sock hat though. That's perfectly easy to understand right??
Maybe it would be like a beanie hat? And, can it be a solid color with that cute alpaca on it that the scarves have? Thanks!!
Thank you for the posts! Well gpamela3499 let me know when you will be interested to order.
19hhbelgian I think I might have some "sock" type hats made of alpaca fleece available..but will let you know and post some pics if I do.

Thank you for the interest!
Hello, Yes I did receive your PM yesterday, thank you for the interest!
Well I am going to proccess your order later on today and will get back to you and give you my Paypal email then.
mcg30_40 I dont think I have ever seen fingerless mittens made of alpaca fleece, but I will keep my eyes open.

Anyone else who might be interested can contact me though Post, PM or Email.

Thanks again!

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