Buyer Alert!

Every time I get eggs shipped to me (MD) from NY that happens, now matter how well they are packaged! The lady in NY packages them very well, but every time they are smashed. And the p.o. will not give me a refund! They do not care.
Disagree. I pack so that the only way an egg wiil be broken is if they are run over by the Mail Truck.

Sorry I had to
at the sight of the mail truck running over packages!
Disagree. I pack so that the only way an egg wiil be broken is if they are run over by the Mail Truck.

No surprise always disagree
Oh my gosh!!! This same thing happened to me last summer...the seller said tough luck, you should have purchased the insurance. That is wrong. They package (possibly unfertile eggs) horribly and it is your problem.
Sorry for you trouble, been there. Feedback is your only tool, and even that can be turned against you. I wrote my man bad feed back and he wrote bad stuff back in feedback saying I was to blame to not purchase the insurance.
Bad Business!!!
Hmmm, could be the forum is pretty powerful in the message everyone puts forth. About 30 minutes after I made the original post, he contacted me saying I could have the refund. Took him a full day to actually do it, but it is now settled.

As to the quality of the packaging. On occasion I've received eggs packaged so well, I seriously doubt any would ever break in the typical postal handling process. Packaging like I received on this group, would be more than lucky to ever survive without multiple broken ones on even the most gentle of trips. Most definitely the quality of the packaging makes a huge difference. It's not just rough handling that causes the damage. It's a combination of rough handling and poor packaging that gives the worst result.

As a note, UPS and the post office have minimum requirements for packing material thickness before insurance will pay for any item. With UPS it's 2 inches on all sides. I think with the post office it's the same. With hatching eggs, I would think a bit more would be advisable since they are more delicate than the typical item being shipped. I also don't think the post office will pay out on insured hatching eggs. They won't on many perishable items. They won't stop you from insuring them, but they won't let you collect on breakage, just on lost packages.

In the future, I think I'll stick to people on this forum with a good reputation when getting hatching eggs.
I almost forgot - I wanted to add this interesting tidbit.

I know a high school class that did an experiment. Each student had to design a package that would allow an egg to survive a drop from a 5 story building.

Several students succeeded. The one I'm familiar with, the egg was suspended with rubber bands. So yes, packaging can be used that would absolutely work every time. It just depends on how thorough one wants to be. When packaging fails. It can only be said that the post office can't be depended upon with that particular packaging - not "no matter how they're packaged".

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