Buying Baby Chicks


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 25, 2010
Natchez, Ms. 39120
Where does eveyone buy thier chicks!

I want to buy 5 RIR, 3 RIW, and 3 Barred Rocks!

All the places I can find have min. orderes of 25 chicks!

I am going to call a couple of the hatcheries and ask if they will ship less than 25 chicks.



I noticed your from Glen, MS.

I got an e-mail from a friend about a guy who has or had a deer stand near Glen and killl 5-6 rattle snakes around it when he went to check it out!

I'll try and send it to you.

Thanks for the reply!

My first order was for 25 chicks from McMurray Hatchery. Yes, a 25 bird min order... (for the birds mind you, not the profit) and I gave 6 away for free at 6 weeks... Sold the rest on Craigslist for 18 bucks each at 16 weeks. Go get the 25 and do your marketing while they are small to sell them to locals. THey don't take up much room when small, and by the time they get bigger you can tell the ones you want to keep! Good luck in your new venture.... Nothinf like the taste of fresh salmonella free eggs if I do say so!!!
Yeah, I know the email you mean, it's from the Assistant Principle at the elementry school here. The deer stand of his is about 3/4 mile from my house, he killed 12 in that one day, the smallest over 3' long. Scary. The largest had 13 buttons I believe, can't remember, they were on the back of his four-wheeler when I saw them. Gave me the creeps, snakes aren't my "Thang".
I've seen fewer snakes here on our place this year than ever before, so maybe they were all staking out his deer stand.

oh, and before someone starts talking about killing the poor snakes, I'm sure they lost their heads by natural causes.
My pet chicken will ship the fewest chicks. I believe 3 or 5?
You could ask around your area and see if anyone wants to go in with you on a hatchery order.

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