buying fresh eggs in Oakland, CA


10 Years
Apr 7, 2009
Oakland, CA
I don't raise chickens, but I would like to find someone in my neighborhood who does and can sell me some eggs. I am a pastry chef instructor at a community college and would like to get the freshest eggs possible to show my students the difference between just laid eggs and the eggs that are delivered by most food service suppliers. I was raised on a farm in the midwest, so I have a great appreciation for the freshest eggs.

Thanks for your time.
I see why you'd want to use the farm-fresh eggs, but if you're going to use the eggs in pastries that are going to be sold or fed to humans, you will need to purchase eggs from a source that has been verified by the FDA.
I agree with you--As a food service professional, I would only ever use USDA inspected eggs in products for service. I am teaching a unit on eggs, however, and when freshly laid eggs are cracked along side older eggs there is a dramatic difference in height when viewed horizontally, a great difference between the thick and thin albumen, and a significant difference in the whipping qualities. Students are usually quite struck by this difference.

In the past when I have taught this unit, I have driven an hour outside of town to a farm that advertises fresh eggs. I just thought that someone closer to home might have some eggs I could use.

Thanks for taking the time to answer.

Glad to have you here!

Have you checked the "Where am I? Where are you?" section of the forum yet? Perhaps you could post there in a thread for your state.
We also have a BST (Buy Sell Trade) area of the forum you can use.
Sounds like a great lesson. If you really want to blow their minds, also crack open a fresh duck egg next to the chicken eggs.

(I hear the best pastry chefs use duck eggs
As a former chef, now retired, I can see what a great lesson that would be... I just baked of a great italian sausage and Irish cheddar quiche for me and the wife with some of our bantam cochin hen's eggs... It's lovely looking...

Take a moment to update your PROFILE so folks can see where you are located, that alone might motivate someone to contact you.

Best of luck chef and

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I'm in the South Bay (Saratoga) which is probably too far for you. Sorry. But if you'd like to join the Silicon Valley Yahoo chicken group, I'm sure that there are folks much closer to you.


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