Buying spent breeders from hatcheries.


7 Years
Oct 5, 2012
Southern Oregon
Does sound like a good idea. I didn’t get breeders but got 3 ex commercial laying hens (I’m in the UK) for just £1 each from a local egg farm. They were only 18 months old and are still good layers. Bit scraggy when I first got them but once the feathers grew back they looked much better. It was nice to give them a second chance at life.
Does sound like a good idea. I didn’t get breeders but got 3 ex commercial laying hens (I’m in the UK) for just £1 each from a local egg farm. They were only 18 months old and are still good layers. Bit scraggy when I first got them but once the feathers grew back they looked much better. It was nice to give them a second chance at life.
Thank you for doing that for them, I am certain they are much happier with you!:)

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