BYC Android App!!!!

I would hope that an android version would allow me to see the poster's location, title, and signature info. I use both a Samsung Galaxy S4 and a Google Nexus 7 to access at night. It's okay to browse with the mobile site, but overall I rarely post or upload photos. I think that companies who ignore the android platform alienate a huge constituency.
I also noticed there is no label showing when the poster is the"original poster" and there is no time stamp.
"We review these stats, the quantity of visitors, how active they are in posting, etc. and then we review the cost and time associated with developing an app (not cheap or easy). In the case of an iPhone app, there was a LOT of activity to justify the allocation of resources to develop the app."

Certainly the lack of a good experience could be why there is less posting or activity from the Android camp. For me the mobile site is enough to allow me to read, but not an intuitive or smooth enough experience to encourage me to post or upload photos. The android platform tends to attract the tech savvy, IMHO, and I believe that without an effective app, that experience is really the "lesser chosen" or even off the table for most users. Right now, I am on a clunky laptop instead of my tablet, because I have PM's to respond to and a question to post. Really, it's a more comprehensive and easier experience than the mobile site. Yes, I'd rather lay in bed with my tablet, but it's a more shallow interface and sometimes problematic.

I do think you are looking at this a little bit skewed. I believe you should offer the same experience to all users, not just a selective group. I believe an android app will only increase activity. Did you ask the Apple users what they wanted before deciding to develop an app? I know it is not your intention, but really, asking us what we hope to gain with an app makes it seem a bit undeserving. We simply want the same experience that you have afforded Apple users. I know you feel an android app must be justified. Personally, I think the fact that there are BYC android users is justification in itself. You won't get any begging from me - but it certainly does limit my time and activity on the site. I work in the high-tech industry in research, marketing and intelligence. I'm an analyst. I know how it goes and eventually you'll be scrambling to get an android app out there. It's inevitable. But I hope that it is something you decide to do soon, rather than something you feel you have to give in to.

I appreciate the comments and feedback. We'll pass it onto our developers for review.

One point of clarification about the iPhone app: It doesn't have any functionality above and beyond what you get via the mobile version of the site in your browser. It's exactly the same experience.
Ok, then we want something better

Thanks Rob
I find that the mobile site works just fine for me (it's pretty user friendly, plus I can block images with Firefox to make it faster and save data), and email notifications are good enough on my phone. I could even add a home screen bookmark if I wanted to pretend I was using an app!
Oh, and I don't need to agree to any more permission requests, which is something that always names me nervous. :p
I am new to the smartphone and find myself spending 2 -3 times longer doing something on thedevice than something with a keyboard and mouse in front of me . A lot of the time is spending undoing automatic functions the smart phone wants me to do the other time I'm trying to edit text and there is no dang cursor so it takes me multiple tries to get to the spot I want to edit . The dictionary is full of words and people I don't know care about or even would talk about . So half the things I say or type have to be undone and re done .

I don't see how seeing someone's location or their signature is really helpful in regards to the contents of the topic of the post . It's bad enough sifting through 2000 responses half of which are quotes of quotes and re posted pictures. I thought these things were supposed to make our lives more convenience! It amazes me how much automation people wants out of the tools we creates . What next a device that eats think and poop for us too?

I have found that tapatalk is very convenient for forum browsing especially if you are subscribed to multiple forums of the same subject matter. was mobile site is not that bad once you get used to it often I used it after following a web link .
I currently have the iPhone app and would love to see it on the android system seeing as I have more android devices and will be switching over to an android phone this summer and do jot want to kiss out on all the great things I can do with this app especially the updates and how easy I can post photos straight from my phone so easily PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make an android app

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