BYC Café

Morning Cafe:frow

Thanks for the cup of Joe, Debby. Did you make that arrangement of various mugs?

@igorsMistress - Yikes, kidney infections are never fun! :hugsHope you heal quick! Have fun at the Fido park! :)

@penny1960 - Wow, did you see them shoot it down, or just hear it go "BOOM"?

@drumstick diva - what makes you think I need coffee? Just teasing!

@CapricornFarm - Thanks for another round!
Thanks, Sean. This last bout with illness has left her deaf in her right ear, neurological tics, coughing when she eats and seriously underweight. She has regained some weight and is eating again, but when you weigh less than 100 # and lose more than 30 of that, it's significant. Hopefully all symptoms will resolve, but I want them gone NOW. She plans on going back to college in a couple of weeks, and that is a worry. Some of her meds mess with her thought/learning process, and that causes her further anxiety. I gave her my grandfatherly "screw it all - do what you can - we love you unconditionally" talk and then got all emotional. I think I freaked her a little. Very few have ever seen me cry.

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