BYC Café

I've started hiking up this hill for a little more exercise. You can see the green strip of grass at the bottom. That is the normal path we take around the field.

This is the view from the top. The path I came up is all the way to the left. When I got to the top, Skittles was nowhere to be seen. I called out to him twice. No sign.

I started hiking to the right along the edge of the brush and when I got far enough to see the main path on that side, there was Skittles running hell bent for leather almost to the first building heading toward the car. The louder I yelled, the faster he ran. I don't think he realized I was behind him.

I kept telling Bella "Go get Skittles". That amounted to a whole lot of nothing.
I had to hike almost all the way back to the car to get him.

The little mound with all the weeds growing from it is where the firemen used to shoot off the fireworks for the Field Days. The old buildings down the hill housed food concessions and various games. Past all that is another small field and then the road is a bit past the few pines you see. THAT is where I park my car and where I had to go collect Mr. I-Don't-Like-to-Pay-Attention, Skittles.
Yes, that is good news, Shad! Maybe she is shopping for you...
Our wind has died down and the temps are above the single digits of this morning.
Wrestling went well, no real stress there. Next weekend, I hope, will be entertaining.
I too am hoping for the best for all of the people and critters in the path of those storms/ tornadoes! What a tragedy!
I do hope not Margie. I've managed to prevent her shopping for me for years. I hope close proximity hasn't undone that.:p
Good evening Cafe.
I've brought a fresh pot of coffee with me.
Double figure temperatures today with minimal wet stuff falling.
Doing a food or handmade only Christmas here (children the exception)
Got some lovley Spanish ham arriving and I suppose this week I'll have to join the other ejits in the city on the Christmas buy frenzy.
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Good evening Café!

And yes, thank you very much @Shadrach , I'll have a nice cup of coffee now. I am actually recovering from hand plucking my Airedale Terrier, he and I spent some hours on the floor getting all this old and dead hair out of his coat. I usually use stripping knives, but this time I wanteed to get his coat ready for nasty winter weather. The entire black parts (back, tail and neck) are now wonderfully clean, shiny and nice looking, while the front, head, legs and underside still are undone.
But with increasing age, my hands just don't agree with my over ambitious schedule naymore and quit the service, much to Ollie's delight. :rolleyes:
I've started hiking up this hill for a little more exercise. You can see the green strip of grass at the bottom. That is the normal path we take around the field.
View attachment 2926727

This is the view from the top. The path I came up is all the way to the left. When I got to the top, Skittles was nowhere to be seen. I called out to him twice. No sign.

I started hiking to the right along the edge of the brush and when I got far enough to see the main path on that side, there was Skittles running hell bent for leather almost to the first building heading toward the car. The louder I yelled, the faster he ran. I don't think he realized I was behind him.

I kept telling Bella "Go get Skittles". That amounted to a whole lot of nothing.
I had to hike almost all the way back to the car to get him.
View attachment 2926728

The little mound with all the weeds growing from it is where the firemen used to shoot off the fireworks for the Field Days. The old buildings down the hill housed food concessions and various games. Past all that is another small field and then the road is a bit past the few pines you see. THAT is where I park my car and where I had to go collect Mr. I-Don't-Like-to-Pay-Attention, Skittles.
View attachment 2926736
Will Bella at least bark on command? This often helps the disoriented other dog to find you.

Nice hiking grounds. :cool:
Looking forward to 3 sunny days in the 40's,
might finally get that coop bedding dumped now that the tractor is steerable.
Yeah, I'm liking next week's forecast!

The trees that were down on the power line (and sending off puffs of smoke) are down on the ground now. I didn't sleep well last night, worrying about them. A crew came out at 9 this morning, and the power was off for about 1.5-2 hours.

I didn't realize how stressed I was about this. I felt such a relief when it was done.

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