BYC Café

I have to share this picture of a painting a friend did for me.
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This is a painting by Diane Heater.
She is an old college friend of hubby's. She has terminal cancer (breast cancer, moved into bones), so any time he visits her might be the last. This is the first time I've been able to come along, and she made this for me. It will be a treasure, foreven.

He doesn't have a name, yet. I'm open to suggestions.

Her pencil drawings of faces are... phenomonal. Somehow, she gets the eyes... right. So very right.
That is beautiful!
I took most of the chickens to a swap last Saturday, and 2 goats. Only sold 2 roosters. I did visit my friend who lives nearby and helped her repair the nest box on a second hand coop she bought. It needs a lot of work.
I'd bet she valued the visit as much as the help. I've got 9 coops I need help to make some changes on and need 6 more built so I can control what breeds what. It's 6 minutes into the new day but to early for coffee so I think I'll just drink the Iced Tea.
Please tell me how to do this??? Link, or recipe? I have a lot garlic from the garden; it was my best harvest ever.
Most people will use a rice cooker. The goal is to keep the garlic warm ideally between 158 and 175°F for about 2 weeks, maybe a little longer.

I'm not buying another small appliance just to make black garlic so I found a link where somebody successfully made it using a dehydrator. You put the clean bulbs into sealed mason jars and put them inside the dehydrator and set the temperature as close to 167 as you can get it. And then just keep resetting the time until at least 8 days have passed. Because I can't go longer than 2 days before my unit wants to shut off I'll check it every 2 days and if there's any water in the bottom of the mason jars you're supposed to take them out and dump the water then seal it back up. You don't want to actually dehydrate them, you just want to keep them warm.
Once the bulbs are relatively firm and black inside, they're done.
Good morning and thanks for the coffee! I am taking MORF out to stay with a friend of his in Kiowa, CO. That ought to be a pretty drive.
Nice to meet you, Iris! Sounds like there is one more iron in the fire..., heal up quickly LTAY!
That was yesterday's post that never went through due to computer issues on my end....
Good morning again and thanks for the coffee!
Late night for me. MORF is safely delivered and I saw some pretty country.
Picked up a friend's kiddo from play practice and then we all had dinner and a nice chat. She is recovering from foot surgery needed from RA complications.

I hope everyone continues to recover, Hugs! I wish that I could help out.
My friend makes black garlic in her dehydrator by wrapping them in foil and letting them set for a few weeks. Really good stuff!
Another day, another dollar, off to deliver some firewood.

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