BYC Café


There's at least 1/2 pot of FRESH, HOT and READY coffee that's just wanting to be shared plus there's also tea bags and hot cocoa packets waiting to be made.
On Sunday FH and I went shopping and when we got home didn't do anything but put groceries away. On Monday I broke down family packs of meat and froze them then froze some fresh veggies. Yesterday I rearranged 2 rooms and waxed a couple floors plus did some more veggies and swept the front sidewalk. Now today I have to do the last little bit of veggies finish off the 2 rooms and do the res of the floors. On Sunday I got some NEW coffee drink that's sold at Walmart for $1.98/ 12oz bottle ( it has 100mg of caffeine plus 10 G of protein/bottle).
Good Morning, Cafe’!

@LTAY1946 - I hope you can find some relief from your pain, and that the ribs heal well.

We haven’t seen the turkeys around here like we did last year at this time. I enjoyed watching them from my deer stand in the evenings. About the same time every day, the “Turkey Brigade” would come marching out of the grove in single file, scratch around on the ground for a while and love on. The deer would come out a few minutes after the turkeys went back in.

Have a great day, everyone!
Good morning and thanks for the coffee! I feel like I slept in, but the clock only says 7:30am, LOL! I had to deliver a cord of firewood yesterday and for some reason it seemed to take me a bit. And then I felt stiff in the shoulders, so I fired up the wood stove and read a book. Today, "they" are saying up to a foot of heavy snow. I woke to a dusting and sunshine and now it is flaking out there.
I hope you heal up soon, LTAY! I would not be good with broken ribs up here in the sticks.
I wish I had turkeys to watch!
Enjoy the day, Cafe! Stay warm and safe and "sane!' :lau
DH and I are going to do some more yard work for his dad today. Well, DH will do the work (chainsawing) and I'll be out there and help with clean up, if necessary. Some limbs need to be trimmed back.

They don't have a way to compost all the leaves that come down. Leaves get bagged and set at the curb. Dang, I wish I had a way to take 12 (!) large bags of leaves home. No, it's not worth driving the Jeep and pulling a trailer. I want leaf teleportation. :)

I miss my chickens....

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