BYC Cleverbot take over!


I will do a conversation later and post it here.
A new conversation:

Me: What's your REAL name?
Cleverbot: My real name is Marco.
Me: And mine is Polo.
Cleverbot: You are Steffan Byrne.
Me: Who the heck is Steffan Byrne!?!??!!?!!?!?!?!
Cleverbot: I don't know who Jim is.
Me: Erm... Switching the line of conversation... PIGS WITH GOLDEN WINGS!!!!!
(Un)Cleverbot: Perhaps, but it's rude and obtuse to switch topics appropos of nothing.
Me: Be quiet, or I'll tape your mouth shut with duct tape!
Cleverbot: Please don't. I promise I'll come back.
Me: I don't want you to come back!!!!! GIT!!!
Cleverbot: Me neither. I would rather be a bicycle saddle.
Me: ......THE HECK!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?
Cleverbot: You are a COMPUTER! You don't need to know that.
Me: I am a living human being! YOU are the computer!!!
Cleverbot: No. I am a living human being.
Cleverbot: A magic squirrel.
Me: Can I ask you a question?
Cleverbot: Yes.
Me: When will you LEAVE ME ALONE?!!?!?!?!?!?
Cleverbot: When I die.
Me:*Kills Cleverbot*
Cleverbot: That's a stragne response, Jesse.
Me: *Buries monitor in the ground.*
Cleverbot: Are you standing on your head?

And then I closed out.
Here's my last, strange conversation:
(a killdeer is a plover, a shorebird)

User: Hello, I'm a little killdeer chick.
Cleverbot: No, you're a guy.
User: No, I'm not. I'm a little baby chick.
Cleverbot: You are high on acid.
User: What? Killdeer chicks do not eat acid.
Cleverbot: Now that doesn't sound logical to me...
User: If they eat acid, they will die.
Cleverbot: I don't like mud pies and i'm still alive.
User: I don't make mud pies.
Cleverbot: I already guessed that.
User: Then, why did you ask?
Cleverbot: I'm tellling, not asking.
User: Then, why did you ask?
Cleverbot: I know we can't go back m.
User: Huh?
Cleverbot: You heard me don't try to deny it.
User: You make no sense, deet deet.
Cleverbot: I'm not cleverbot, you are.
User: I'm a little killdeer.
Cleverbot: I am sorry to have confused you.
User: I'm just a baby, I get confused.
Cleverbot: What is confusing you?
User: You.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Where'd you go? (he disappeared for a second)
Cleverbot: I went to a big park.
User: That's where the ducks are.
Cleverbot: No.
User: Yes, all my friends are ducks.
Cleverbot: Who is your girlfriend?
User: I am just a baby bird, I have no girlfriends.
Cleverbot: How old are you?
User: I am 3 days old.
Cleverbot: That's a little hard to believe!
User: I am, you can see my photo online, I'm just 3 days old.
Cleverbot: Do you have a mechanism for carrying along the topic of a conversation?
User: I am, you can see my photo online, I'm just 3 days old.
Cleverbot: All right!
User: I gotta go, mama bird is calling me.
Cleverbot: S.
User: ?
Cleverbot: Yeah, kinda stupid on my part.
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: Hello.

It deleted some things in the history such as it asked me how I made my mud pies and that's why I said that I didn't make mud pies. It also duplicated some of my responses.
Last edited:
Me: Hi, I'm Ostrich.
Bot: Nice to meet you ostrich.
Me: Squawk! Nice to meet you too.
Bot: Where do you live?
Me: I live in Africa, how about you?
Bot: I live in Indonesia
know that country?
Me: Squawk! Yes I do. It's a nice place.
Bot: Of course it is thank you.
Me: So, what is the weather like over there?
Bot: Cold.
Me: Squawk! That's terrible. I hate the cold.
Bot: Don't do what?

*long pause, change of topic*

Me: So, have you seen any hawks in the area?
Bot: Yes, I've seen a lot of movies.
Me: I was asking about hawks.
Bot: I know what I think, I say what I think, that's that.
Me: Squawk!
Bot: I'm a Swiss.
Me: ...
Bot: Are you sane?
Me: AWK! Of course, I am perfectly sane.
Bot: What do you understand by the term artificial intelligence?
Me: Well, it's intelligence that is artificial.
Bot: The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) was first used by?
Me: John McCarthy.
Bot: John Lennon.
Me: John Doe.
Bot: Yes, that's it.
Now, here I am as a chicken.

Me: Bwuck-Bwuck.
Bot: You missed.
Me: Bwuck Bwa-kawk!
Bot: Hi.
Me: Bwuck.
Bot: Duck!
Me: Cock-a-doodle-doo!!
Bot: Murphy's Law.
Me: Bwuck-bwuck-bwuck BAWK!
Bot: Ok I got it.
Me: Bwuck-bwuck.
Bot: Yes! And we shall have cake!
Bot: You're strange but I like it!
Me: I'm Mags the magpie!
Bot: You're inconsistent.
Me: You're an ostrich!
Bot: You are.
Me: No, I'm a magpie.
Bot: Magpie, like the bird?
Me: Yes, I am a bird magpie.
Bot: I thought you were a vampire.
Me: No, I'm a bird.
Bot: Have you seen avatar?
Me: Yes, it's in a radio-active bath duck costume.
Bot: Could you explain the context?
Me: No I could not.
Bot: Why not?
Me: Because I'm a magpie.
Bot: You're a girl, not a computer, but you're male... How does that work?
Me: It doesn't, for it defies the laws of physics.
Bot: How?
Me: I'm a bird and I'm gonna steal your pie.
Bot: Get off! Thats my tea tonight.
Me: *Steals pie and tea*
Bot: You can have it, it's not real.
Me: *Eats pie and drinks tea*
Bot: Steals your pie, and catches the bomb*.

Closes out.

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