BYC Contest - Waterers & Feeders - Win $20 Store Gift Cert. Ended

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Great idea!


Im making this one, cute!
I like your idea, esp that fact that watering the chickens is one less thing to do everyday, and I like your page too!
I wonder if you get any algae in the bucket? What about when temps are high outside, does the hose water get hot too? Good idea! I may get my DH to do this and that way it will get done right the first time, and I wont have to study your page...
The bucket and hose is in the shade, so it doesn't get super hot. I have a water spigot with a 4-way splitter, allowing me to have both waterers on their own hose, but still allowing me to have a hose seperate for spraying down the yard ar washing my hands. I was surprised this weekend when I turned on the seperate hose, and the water was rather cool. The temps were about 95 this weekend in Sacramento.

The first one I made was utelizing an orange, 5 gallon, Home Depot bucket in the full sun. After 3 months or so I poured out the water and wiped down the sides, then let it refill. It did have some algae, but only the small amount you would see in a fish tank, it wasn't growing thick and wavy. I thought about how to reduce the algae growth, but I was more worried about chemicals and having the chooks drink them than wiping down the bucket. The newest waterer is white, and I will check on algae growth as the time passes.

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