BYC Contest - Waterers & Feeders - Win $20 Store Gift Cert. Ended

Ok...this is my first time doing a tutorial, page etc etc....I have looked at waterers for months and I finally bucked up and bought the stuff to make this happen. I did use some ideas from differnt people to come up with my own a look and enjoy! … ic-waterer

I have been closely watching this thread looking for a waterer that will work for me and this is the one!!!

Thank you and your hubby for all the great pics and easy to understand instructions! I will be making mine tomorrow~~~~
I am glad you liked it! I was super easy to do. I was shocked. I thought for sure it would take all day. The main thing is making sure the pipes are all glued LOL. I was just out testing mine and it has zero leaks! Still trying to get the birds to use it but they will catch on once one of them starts. In the meantime I have a few bowls of water out for them.
rt under the bucket a couple inches down. we will cut it and add some sort of quick disconnect so that we can clean or take the bucket off.. will post pics when i figure out what i am going to do. lol...
We've got a lot of submissions! I've gone ahead and created a page with all the submissions so far (21):

If your submission is not listed please send me a PM with a link to your submission and the post # where you submitted it in this thread.

We'll keep the contest going for a couple more weeks at least, so get those designs submitted!



At least give them something healthy like Panera, no, wait, Panara is already out in the free range yard, sorry, my bad!
I'm sorry to be so useless at computer operation, but I haven't a clue of how to go about submitting pictures, etc.. for my rainwater replentished, automatic chicken watering system. So I submitted pictures via email (I recently learned how to do that) and a description of how the system was built and how it operates by using <[email protected]>. That was some time ago and today I finally figured out where you could see the submissions others have sent in and what I sent isn't there. It's a neat system, isn't very expensive and will supply water to the coop and run all summer without any effort from anyone. Did it disappear, or did I do something wrong?
Salt Water Farmer
WOW....That's all I can say...,WOW.
I am a newbie and just purchased a used chicken coop from craigslist but it won't be delivered until next weekend before I can get someone over there to pick it up so meanwhile I found this wonderful board with this wonderful forum with a font of information.

What great and I mean really great and inventive ideas for both the waterer and feeders here....In this difficult financial time we are in I am so grateful for people like you guys who help us save a buck here and there...KOODOS to you guys....,WOW !!!

I am going to choose one of each from here and once I do I will try and figure out how to post them so you can see which ones this newbie chose to do !!!


Pat From Tarpon Springs, FL
Tolkien Cockers soon to be into Chickens.............Will need a new name me thinks.......
Here is a feeder I made a couple of years ago out of an old Gum-ball machine.....I know it's not very practical, it was just someting I did one afternoon while out tinkering around. I have to keep a cover over it as the chickens sure do like to throw the food out of this one.



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