BYC Contest - Waterers & Feeders - Win $20 Store Gift Cert. Ended

Ok I got one here.
My wife LOVE it so easy to use.

You get my vote!
We need one of these because of the stupid house sparrows, they love my girl's organic feed. Ugh! We also get rats. "quiver" I've cut back on their feed and am not leaving any in their feeder. To keep up egg production I mix up a mash they get three times a day. It's definitely time for a treadle feeder. I've seen two other treadle design instructions, but I actually feel your's is doable.
Lot's of pictures, which I need. Love the one weighing your Easter Egger. She looks just like the one we have. She's a great layer. I especially like the directions for the inner lip where they feed. Should greatly reduce them flinging food around. I'd seen that design on youtube, but again no instructions. A commenter had said it looked like a feeder in John Seymour's book on Self Sufficiency. So I got the book, hoping to finally get instructions I could follow. Well don't bother. There's no treadle feeder in it. Good book though all the same. Although he spells Marans incorrectly as Maran. Anyway, I appreciate the cost breakdown too. It's great to know this going in. A list of tools used might be helpful. Looks like I need to get some big clamps. I have 1/4 plywood not the 1/2 you used. Do you think that would be thick enough? I'm so excited to finally get this project started. Thank you for taking the time to put your clear and thorough instructions together.
Thanks UrbanFarmChix! Yeah, I didn't mention the rats. And the mice. My two (very old) cats recently died and now we're seeing rat droppings for the first time ever. They were taking rodents up to the end. My EEs rarely take a day off. They have been troopers in this heat. Thanks for the suggestion on tools required. I was going to do that but forgot. I'll post the pic today; I'm building a second feeder today with my suggested improvements so the tools will be out and available for photos. Clamps are very helpful, especially if you are doing this yourself. I'm a big fan of clamps, it allows you to place everything just right before making it permanent. However, you could probably get by without them if you had help and a nail gun. I think you could probably use 1/4" plywood. There might be issues with warping and it would be harder to nail, but heck, I'd give it a try if it were already available. (Maybe a real carpenter could offer suggestions here.) I'm thinking about making a third feeder out of completely found materials. I think it could be easy. If you decide to build one and have any issues following my instructions, please feel free to contact me. It's sometimes hard to step back from what you've written to see if it actually makes sense.
Hello, I want to enter the feeder contest. It can be seen at " grandfatherjwv's BYC second page. For that matter, enter me in the feeder contest with both pages, the Black Fly Larvae Feeder and the Repeating Timer Feeder. Thanks, grandfatherjwv

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