BYC Couples

Yay, I pronounced it correctly from day one.

Cookies for you!
Yeah that’s what I said. I say it right then.
Me too. It’s said exactly how it’s spelled.
I thought it was pronounced “Han-dwarf”

What’s the right way?
No, it's not. Dwarf has a "w" in it. Which makes the "wa" sound. It's not Hand-warf. Also a and o sound different. You literally showed how you pronounce it, which is incorrect. lol

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No, it's not. Dwarf has a "w" in it. Which makes the "wa" sound. It's not Hand-warf. Also a and o sound different. You literally showed how you pronounce it, which is incorrect. lol
In dwarf the “war” is said as “or”

Dorf, but spelled dwarf, Handorf is said exactly how it’s spelled, so I said it right. :p

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