BYC Couples

I suppose I should be flattered, it's better than the dips**t recruiters who email me and open up with "Hey Fred," (part of my last name, I changed it here because you don't need to know my last name :p )
Do that do that thinking it's your first name, or thinking it's cool to call you by your last name?
Like my very German last name. Handorf. Used to have two fs but that was too German. So they dropped one. Everyone pronounces it Han-drawf. Or if you spell it out and don't say "F as in FRANK!" they put an s on the end like Handors. It makes me insane. And don't get me started on the stupid spelling of my first name...Jarrod.
Ok, so I could see a "Colt/Cody" mixup from your pastor, but Jarrod/Cody? What was that dude smoking?

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