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Please do not feel obligated just because you belong to the crochet swap! NO OBLIGATION!!!

Rules:Sign - Up Closes: November 15th

Secret Santa Items: Must be a HANDMADE item of reasonable cost or investment. For example .... if I were to crochet a long scarf out of nice yarn and add a spider ornament to that, I would think that would be a nice gift...if I made a record bowl with the crocheted washcloths and the music cd and music soap like I plan to make for my co-workers, that would seem like a nice gift to me all are talented and what you make does not need to cost much, just be thoughtful about it and it will mean the world to whoever gets it, I'm sure

Santa Assignment: On November 16th, every person on the list will be sent the name of their "secret" person. Please do not reveal which name you have!!! It is a "SECRET"!!! I will send you the name and address of your "secret" person and you will be required to make them something and have it shipped to them no later than December 15th. Only after or during shipping are you to reveal to the person that you are their Secret Santa!!

How to sign up: Send me a pm with your name and address and you will be added to the list. Only myself and the person you are assigned to will be given your name and address.

Feel free to save your present until Christmas or open it when you get it..either way, please take a picture and share the fun experience with the rest of us!!! The main objective here is to have fun with this project..simple, easy and fun!!!

This would be a great time to recruit new members to this thread!!


1. Scrambled Egg - (Darlene) Organizer
2. Mawchickkide - (Jessica)
3. Athena - (Athena)
4. EastTnChick- (Steph)
5. Queen Scoot - (Rosey)
6. AmyQuilt - (Amy)
7. KaranLeaf - (Karan)
8. No Chicks Here - (Susan)
9. Risurocket - (Shanah)
10. Guitarists - (Angie)
11. TB1 - (Teri)
12. Skand - (Stephanie)
Soooo sorry Scoot, would love to make you some get well chicken and pastry!! Instead you gets best wishes for a speedy recoovery..take care of yourself!!!
okay, I know this has nothing to do with crocheting, but I am going to try to get do Alyssa's birthday cake today. haha since the party is tomarrow, I best be hurrying along with it. She wants a barn cake, HUH?! how do you make those?! So, I am pulling out my handy dandy wisdom in a hardback, my 1939 New England Yankee cookbook, for a hard gingerbread recipe. Thinking if I have enough red icing, and toothpicks, I just might be able to knock out four walls and a roof. Now as to the critters in the barn....I dunno, any help? lol Thanks ya'll.
Post your question on the main forum and if Miss Prissy doesn't know how to make it, someone will I have no doubt!! Good luck and happy birthday to your daughter..would that be Alyssa or Hippy Jim Jr.?!! My daughter is a daddy's girl for sure..even at 20 that doesn't change!!
Morning gals it is going to be a kinda quick post for me as I need to get going, get dressed, and hit the road at full speed, today is barn arranging day for tomorrows fun. coffeelady so cute, I love amigurumi and so does angie. the only thing I see you did wrong is you need to stuff the body alot more I mean just cram it full until you start seeing stuff in coming out the little holes almost. and you want stuffing to pooch out the top hole so that as you go to sewing the head to the body you have to fight back the stuffing, thats what I learned to do and all mine started turning out like the pictures. or better. Angie what do you thinK? awesome job for your first one though looks just like the pic only hes the skinny brother! LOL.

we use the rubber horse and dog feeder you can get at atwood, they don't break in the winter they are black and soak up the heat of the sunny from the day and you can but the underwater type heaters in them and it won't hurt them. plus alot easyer to clean out and no rust like with the metal waters. we use them for feeding them in too.

well ladies I must go, and I will either post ya'll again this evening or sunday as I am busy busy busy. so get those squares done so I can stay busy gals and I will talk to ya'll later. Maw.
I have put together quick Cookie houses with Graham crackers, poptarts, the sandwich cookies, even the long finger type cookies any type that is firm or hard that will hold it's shape and used a semi stiff frosting for the glue I have used the gumdrop, gummy, M&M, and other candies to decorate used animal crackers and people for more decorations. And you can start with a square cake and go from there using any of these to form your structure. I hope that helps.
If it's clear as mud let me know.

Good luck Karan
How bout send her to you?!
Yea she's daddy's girl for sure SE. Looks like momma, acts Just like her daddy!! Drive's me nuts.
Just wanted to say hello to everyone!!!!!

It rained all day here yesterday. It's gray, gloomy & cold here today. I do believe that winter is coming early and I'm not looking forward to it.

I have more of DH's relatives coming in town so more cleaning. We've been de-cluttering the office that turned into a junk room and boy does that make a bigger mess.

I found more yarn in the process. I definitely need a bigger stash container or a second one.

Queen I hope you take care of yourself and get to feeling better. We miss your smileys!!!!! Here's a big hug from Illinois!

OK, back to cleaning.

Hope everyone has a great day!!!!
good morning all!

Feel better Your Majesty!
I am right there with you on the couch, pretty much. Soup for all! (preventative medicine for those of you who haven't gotten this cold yet

Hope the sun comes out from behind the clouds!

Good luck with all your projects and cleaning and whatever else is going on with everyone. I have read the posts, but my brain is too fuzzy to remember everyone's specific projects and news right now.

Oh, Skand, you could maybe do a pan cake and just cut it to be the shape of a barn and frost it to look like barn paint. that way you can do a traditional cake (chocolate, marble, whatever) and just shape it. It might take two for the roof and one for the barn...
Unless of course, she wants a standing up barn...good luck!
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As to Secret Santa..
How much should supplies cost at max? under $30- under $50?
What is everyone's fav. colors? So we all know what to work with..maybe
What would everyone like to get?, or what could you use that is a crafty thing? like a small shelf, rack for i dunno. a jacket, guinea hats and scarves? lol rubber boots for my blind roo that stands in the water during snow.

and any other questions that I know I've thought of but just now can't remember.
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