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I've been adopted!! I feel special.
Thanks Amy for adopting me.

I finally finished the hat/scarf sets I was working on.....whew, I felt like they took forever. Tonight I'm going to get yarn for a commissioned scarf. Busy, busy, busy.

Can't wait until Christmas is over, then I can work on stuff for me!!!
Congrats Head4dmtns!
Thanks Amy!

Note on adoptions: If there is someone in a listing that has been adopted, but the buddy has more than one person adopted, and you would like to adopt someone on their "already adopted list", please PM the buddy and the adopted person and see if they will transfer! And don't forget to subscribe to the adopted list, please. Or check regularly. I will do my best to keep it updated. I would like to avoid double posting as much as possible.


Off to be busy.
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Mornin' all! Stopped in real quick to get caught up and to say

Cold and rainy here today. I will be sewing all day again. Put the quilts on hold for the moment. DD needs "pioneer" clothes by Thursday. I'll be making a bonnet, apron & skirt!! Wish me luck on the bonnet!
Good Luck on the bonnet, I think the hard part would be the brim on it, especially if it is a frilly or pleated type.
Welcome to the crazy crochet thread Chuck!!! And the spring swap!!!.......two guys in one week, how cool is that!!!! don't happen to wear a kilt now do you??!!!!
j/k ...we love men in kilts on this thread

Sign-Ups are now Open!


Theme: "Anything Goes" Feel free to experiment and challenge your skills for this swap! Hexagons, Circles, Squares, Triangles, or "Other" crocheted shapes are all welcomed!! (No amigurumi in this swap.)

Color: Any! Mix it up or stay the same, up to you!

Size: 6" minimum - 12" maximum. Try to be consistent though, for example, all of your squares should be pretty near the same size, all of your circles should be pretty near the same size....

Pattern: Any! Feel free to mix up your patterns and make every square different or every hexagon different, or all the same, up to you!

Number: As many as there are participants in the swap.

Dates: Chat and gab and get to know one another in this thread. Post as often as you like! Official sign-up opens on February 1, 2009 and Closes on March 1, 2009. All items are due to me no later than May 1, 2009.

New folks are encouraged to visit with us here in this thread and post and get to know us! Chickens are not required, in fact several members of this group are not chicken owners! We are always happy to have new friends here in the crochet club! We'd love to have you join the fun, join the swap or any other projects that we have going on!!!!

When you have finished your Shapes, send me a pm and I'll send you my address so that you can mail in your work.

You will be required to send your crocheted shapes in individual ziplock bags with your username and real name on each bag. In addition, you will need to send $10.00 for Flat Rate return postage. Thanks so much!!!!!! Have fun!!!


Spring Swap Sign Up List:

1. Scrambled Egg - (Darlene) -Organizer
2. Mawchikkide - (Jessica)
3. RisuRocket - (Shanah)
4. CoffeeLady3 - (Dena)
5. NoChicksHere - (Susan)
6. KaranLeaf - (Karan)
7. Skand - (Stephanie)
8. Lutheran Chick - (Kay)
9. Head4dmtns - (Trish)
10. Queen Scoot - (Rosey)
11. Amy Quilt - (Amy)
12. Mangled - (Em)
13. TB1 - (Teri)
14. Purr - (Terry)
15. Elcunni - (Erin)
16. 1MommaHen - (Lynda)
17. EastTnChick - (Steph)
18. Ginger Chic - (Amy)
19. Greenapple - (Lisa)
20. Alpaca Chick - (Bonnie)
21. Jacie's Coop - (Jacie)
22. Algopurple - (Elizabeth)
23. JenJScott - (Jen)
24. NewChickenFamily - (Jennifer)
25. LovemyChix - (Tess)
26. Shmooborp - (Luke)
27. Redhen - (Wendy)
28. SewinCircle - (JeanMarie)
29. FrChuckW - (Chuck)

Hey there! I've not fallen off the face of the earth, I promise! Just really busy and still trying to deal with this hip pain! UGH!!

FYI - My SS gift went out today. I finally got to the PO. I was going to go yesterday, but I was in too much pain to drive there.

I've been trying to read and catch up, but ya'll have been so busy!! But, that's a good thing!

OK - I've gotta get back to work. Lots to do! Have a great day! I'll check in when I can!
No I don't wear a kilt although I do have Celtic blood in me on my mother's side of the family (1/4 Welsh) But I do wear my cassock on occassion, does that count?

I come from German/Dutch(Father's side of the family) Welsh/English (Mother's side) so I am a WEDG (pronounced wedgie) not a WASP.

Just a quick note to say to all the newbies...
! It's great to have you here!! Whether you are like some who post a lot or like me who lurks a lot & posts a little, I'm sure you will enjoy the club. Nice to see some guys hookin' too!
I'm so excited, and wanted to share it with ya'll...
Most of you have figured out that I work at a school (NOT a teacher, just work in the office). It's a public high school with about 1100 students. We have been given permission to start a crochet club, "Off the Hook", after Christmas break. So far, we have 20 signed up, including 2 guys! We have about an even number of staff & students interested. These kids are from all backgrounds, Hmong, Hispanic, African American & White. Our first president is a Junior who I have taught crochet in the past 2 months. We have two speakers lined up for this year already - one Hispanic g'mother who learned to crochet as a child in Mexico and one African American grandmother who does lace crochet. When we have our first meeting, if you don't mind, I'll post a pic of the whole group!
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